
This lists all of the available datasets and fields in Cloudflare's GraphQL API.


Access login requests

countNumber of access login API events processed
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


appIdAccess application ID
approvingPolicyIdPolicy ID that approved the user
cfRayIdCF ray id
countryCountry tag
dateThe date the access login event was emitted
datetimeThe date and time the access login event was emitted
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the access login event was emitted truncated to the minute
deviceIdDevice ID
hasExistingJWTHas existing JWT (0 = false, 1 = true)
hasGatewayEnabledHas Gateway enabled (0 = false, 1 = true)
hasWarpEnabledHas WARP enabled (0 = false, 1 = true)
identityProviderIdentity provider
ipAddressUser IP address
isSuccessfulLoginIf the login was successful (0 = false, 1 = true)
mtlsCertSerialIdMTLS certificate serial ID
mtlsCommonNameMTLS common name
mtlsStatusMTLS status (may show error message if status is not successful)
serviceTokenIdService token ID
userUuidUser UUID


Network analytics data for Advanced DNS Protection

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
dnsQueryNameThe requested domain name in the DNS query
dnsQueryTypeThe query type in the DNS query
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
mitigationReasonReason for applying a mitigation to the packet, if any
mitigationScopeWhether the packet matched a local or global mitigation, if any (possible values: local, global)
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet
verdictThe action that Cloudflare thinks should be taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Network analytics data for Advanced TCP Protection

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
mitigationReasonReason for applying a mitigation to the packet, if any
mitigationScopeWhether the packet matched a local or global mitigation, if any (possible values: local, global)
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
protocolStateState of the packet in the context of the protocol, if available
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet
verdictThe action that Cloudflare thinks should be taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


AI Gateway Cache

countTotal number of requests for an account with caching enabled: including hits and misses
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


cacheOpCache Hit or Miss: 1 = cache hit, 0 = cache miss
dateThe date when trigger was triggerd
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
gatewayGateway name
modelWhich model was the request sent to
providerWhich provider was the request sent to
tokensInNumber of tokens in the request
tokensOutNumber of tokens in the response


AI Gateway Errors

countNumber of errors
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dateThe date when trigger was triggerd
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
gatewayGateway name
modelWhich models was the request sent to
providerWhich provider was the request sent to


AI Gateway Requests

countNumber of processed requests
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


cachedWas the response served from cache?: 1 = cache hit, 0 = cache misss
dateThe date when trigger was triggered
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
gatewayGateway name
modelWhich models was the request sent to
providerWhich provider was the request sent to
rateLimitedWas the request rate limited?: 1 = rate limit applied, 0 = rate limit not applied
tokensInNumber of tokens in the request
tokensOutNumber of tokens in the response


Aggregated AI Inference logs with adaptive sampling

countTotal number of inferences for an account
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dateThe date when starts the inference
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
inferenceTimeMsInference time ms
modelIdModelId that was trigger to inference
requestSourceSource who triggerd (worker binding, pages binding, rest api)


totalInferenceTimeMsTotal inference time ms


Network analytics data for Cloudflare CDN traffic

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationDeviceTagDevice tag associated with the destination IP of the packet
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
mitigationSystemWhich system dropped the packet (possible values: dosd, flowtrackd, magic-firewall)
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceDeviceTagDevice tag associated with the source IP of the packet
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Beta. Aggregated D1 analytics with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
countNumber of requests to D1 processed (approximation when sampleInterval > 1)
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
quantilesQuantiles of a metric per dimension
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


queryBatchResponseBytesThe total number of bytes in the response, including all returned rows and metadata (average/mean).
queryBatchTimeMsQuery batch response time in milliseconds (average/mean).
sampleIntervalThe average value used for sample interval


databaseIdThe UUID of a D1 database
dateThe date the D1 request was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the D1 request was received truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the D1 request was received truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the D1 request was received truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the D1 request was received truncated to the minute


queryBatchResponseBytesP50The total number of bytes in the response, including all returned rows and metadata (50th percentile).
queryBatchResponseBytesP90The total number of bytes in the response, including all returned rows and metadata (90th percentile).
queryBatchTimeMsP50Query batch response time in milliseconds (50th percentile).
queryBatchTimeMsP90Query batch response time in milliseconds (90th percentile).


queryBatchResponseBytesThe total number of bytes in the response, including all returned rows and metadata.
readQueriesThe number of read queries.
rowsReadThe number of rows your queries read.
rowsWrittenThe number of rows your queries wrote.
writeQueriesThe number of write queries.


Attack analytics metadata for attacks detected by dosd

attackIdUnique identifier of the mitigation that matched the packet, if any
attackTypeType of attack traffic
attackVectorDescription of attack vector
bitsSum of bits received during the attack
commonTcpFlagsCommon TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any
commonTcpFlagsNamesNames of common TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any
destinationIpFixed destination IP used by attack traffic, if any
destinationPortFixed destination port used by attack traffic, if any
droppedBitsSum of bits dropped during the attack
droppedPacketsSum of packets dropped during the attack
endDatetimeDate and time that the attack ended; not available for ongoing attacks
ipProtocolFixed protocol used by attack traffic, if any
ipProtocolNameFixed protocol used by attack traffic, if any
mitigationReasonType of mitigation applied to attack traffic
mitigationScopeWhether mitigation was applied in only some locations or globally
mitigationTypeType of mitigation applied to attack traffic
packetsSum of packets received during the attack
ruleIdUnique identifier of the rule that matched the packet, if any
ruleNameHuman-readable name of the rule that matched the packet, if any
rulesetIdUnique identifier of the ruleset containing the rule that matched the packet, if any
rulesetOverrideIdUnique identifier of the ruleset override containing the rule that matched the packet, if any
sourceIpFixed source IP used by attack traffic, if any
sourcePortFixed source port used by attack traffic, if any
startDatetimeDate and time that the attack started
tcpFlagsFixed TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any
tcpFlagsNamesNames of fixed TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any


Network analytics data for dosd

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
attackIdUnique identifier of the mitigation that matched the packet, if any
attackVectorAttack vector of the rule that matched the packet, if any
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
mitigationReasonReason for applying a mitigation to the packet, if any
mitigationScopeWhether the packet matched a local or global mitigation, if any (possible values: local, global)
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
protocolStateState of the packet in the context of the protocol, if available
ruleIdUnique identifier of the rule that matched the packet, if any
ruleNameHuman-readable name of the rule that matched the packet, if any
rulesetIdUnique identifier of the ruleset containing the rule that matched the packet, if any
rulesetOverrideIdUnique identifier of the ruleset override containing the rule that matched the packet, if any
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet
verdictThe action that Cloudflare thinks should be taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Durable Objects invocations with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxThe max value for a metric
minThe min value for a metric
quantilesQuantiles of a metric per dimension
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


dateRequest datetime, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeHourRequest datetime, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime, truncated to start of a minute
environmentNameThe name of the script environment
namespaceIdDurable Object namespace ID
objectIdDurable Object ID as a hex string
scriptNameThe name of the script
statusStatus of the worker invocation


responseBodySizeMaximum response body size for one request - bytes
wallTimeMaximum wall time for one request - microseconds


responseBodySizeMinimum response body size for one request - bytes
wallTimeMinimum wall time for one request - microseconds


responseBodySizeP25Response body size 25th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP50Response body size 50th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP75Response body size 75th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP90Response body size 90th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP99Response body size 99th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP999Response body size 99.9th percentile - bytes
wallTimeP25Wall time 25th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP50Wall time 50th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP75Wall time 75th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP90Wall time 90th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP99Wall time 99th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP999Wall time 99.9th percentile - microseconds


errorsSum of errors
requestsSum of requests
responseBodySizeSum of response body sizes
wallTimeSum of wall time


Durable Objects periodic metrics

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxThe max value for a metric
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


dateDatetime the metrics period started, truncated to start of a day
datetimeHourDatetime the metrics period started, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteDatetime the metrics period started, truncated to start of a minute
namespaceIdDurable Object namespace ID
objectIdDurable Object ID as a hex string


activeWebsocketConnectionsMaximum active websocket connections in the time window


activeTimeSum of active time - microseconds
cpuTimeSum of CPU time - microseconds
durationSum of Duration - GB*s
exceededCpuErrorsSum of CPU exceeded errors
exceededMemoryErrorsSum of memory exceeded errors
fatalInternalErrorsSum of fatal internal server errors
inboundWebsocketMsgCountSum of incoming websocket messages
outboundWebsocketMsgCountSum of outbound websocket messages
storageDeletesSum of storage deletes
storageReadUnitsSum of storage reads - in 4KB units
storageWriteUnitsSum of storage writes - in 4KB units
subrequestsSum of subrequests


Durable Objects storage metrics

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


dateDatetime that the storage usage was recorded, truncated to start of a day
datetimeHourDatetime that the storage usage was recorded, truncated to start of an hour


storedBytesMax of stored bytes


Durable Objects subrequests with adaptive sampling

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


dateRequest datetime, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeHourRequest datetime, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime, truncated to start of a minute
environmentNameThe name of the script environment
namespaceIdDurable Object namespace ID
objectIdDurable Object ID as a hex string
scriptNameThe name of the script


requestBodySizeUncachedOutgoing Durable Objects fetch request body size in bytes where the request was not cached


FBM analytics metadata for attacks detected by dosd

attackIdUnique identifier of the mitigation that matched the packet, if any
attackTypeType of attack traffic
attackVectorDescription of attack vector
bitsSum of bits received during the attack
commonTcpFlagsCommon TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any
commonTcpFlagsNamesNames of common TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any
destinationIpFixed destination IP used by attack traffic, if any
destinationPortFixed destination port used by attack traffic, if any
droppedBitsSum of bits dropped during the attack
droppedPacketsSum of packets dropped during the attack
endDatetimeDate and time that the attack ended; not available for ongoing attacks
ipProtocolFixed protocol used by attack traffic, if any
ipProtocolNameFixed protocol used by attack traffic, if any
mitigationReasonType of mitigation applied to attack traffic
mitigationScopeWhether mitigation was applied in only some locations or globally
mitigationTypeType of mitigation applied to attack traffic
packetsSum of packets received during the attack
ruleIdUnique identifier of the rule that matched the packet, if any
ruleNameHuman-readable name of the rule that matched the packet, if any
rulesetIdUnique identifier of the ruleset containing the rule that matched the packet, if any
rulesetOverrideIdUnique identifier of the ruleset override containing the rule that matched the packet, if any
sourceIpFixed source IP used by attack traffic, if any
sourcePortFixed source port used by attack traffic, if any
startDatetimeDate and time that the attack started
tcpFlagsFixed TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any
tcpFlagsNamesNames of fixed TCP flags used by attack traffic, if any


Raw Firewall events with adaptive sampling

actionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientAsnThe ASN number of the visitor
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientIPThe visitor's IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
clientIPClassThe classification of the visitor's IP address, possible values are: unknown | clean | badHost | searchEngine | allowlist | greylist | monitoringService | securityScanner | noRecord | scan | backupService | mobilePlatform | tor
clientRefererHostThe referer host
clientRefererPathThe referer path requested by visitor
clientRefererQueryThe referer query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRefererSchemeThe referer url scheme requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPHostThe HTTP hostname requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameThe HTTP method used by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPProtocolThe version of HTTP protocol requested by the visitor
clientRequestPathThe path requested by visitor
clientRequestQueryThe query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRequestSchemeThe url scheme requested by the visitor
contentScanHasFailed1 if not all contents for this request where successfully scanned, else 0
contentScanNumMaliciousObjNumber of scannable content objects that are malicious
contentScanNumObjNumber of scannable content objects
contentScanObjResultsArray of scan results in order of detection
contentScanObjTypesArray of content types in order of detection
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
descriptionThe description of the rule triggered by this request
edgeColoNameThe airport code of the Cloudflare datacenter that served this request
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to browser
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
kindThe kind of event, currently only possible values are: firewall
matchIndexRules match index in the chain
metadataAdditional product-specific information. Metadata is organized in key:value pairs
originResponseStatusHTTP origin response status code returned to browser
originatorRayNameThe RayId of the request that issued the challenge/jschallenge
rayNameThe RayId of the request
refThe ref-field is a user-defined rule identifier that can be set via the API for some firewall products and allows users to label their rules individually alongside cloudflare provided identifiers (only available to entitled customers)
ruleIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RuleId triggered by this request
rulesetIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RulesetId triggered by this request
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentvisitor's user-agent string
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafMlAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafMlSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an SQLi attack
wafMlXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an XSS attack
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
zoneTagAssociated zone
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


Aggregated Firewall events with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
countThe sum of sample interval values
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by




actionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientAsnThe ASN number of the visitor
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientIPThe visitor's IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
clientIPClassThe classification of the visitor's IP address, possible values are: unknown | clean | badHost | searchEngine | allowlist | greylist | monitoringService | securityScanner | noRecord | scan | backupService | mobilePlatform | tor
clientRefererHostThe referer host
clientRefererPathThe referer path requested by visitor
clientRefererQueryThe referer query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRefererSchemeThe referer url scheme requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPHostThe HTTP hostname requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameThe HTTP method used by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPProtocolThe version of HTTP protocol requested by the visitor
clientRequestPathThe path requested by visitor
clientRequestQueryThe query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRequestSchemeThe url scheme requested by the visitor
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
descriptionThe description of the rule triggered by this request
edgeColoNameThe airport code of the Cloudflare datacenter that served this request
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to browser
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
kindThe kind of event, currently only possible values are: firewall
matchIndexRules match index in the chain
originResponseStatusHTTP origin response status code returned to browser
originatorRayNameThe RayId of the request that issued the challenge/jschallenge
rayNameThe RayId of the request
refThe ref-field is a user-defined rule identifier that can be set via the API for some firewall products and allows users to label their rules individually alongside cloudflare provided identifiers (only available to entitled customers)
ruleIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RuleId triggered by this request
rulesetIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RulesetId triggered by this request
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentvisitor's user-agent string
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafMlAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF ML detection module
wafMlSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an SQLi attack
wafMlXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an XSS attack
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
zoneTagAssociated zone
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


keyThe key of the metadata. Key format can vary by Cloudflare security product and can change over time.
valueThe value of the metadata. Value format can vary by Cloudflare security product and can change over time.


Network analytics data for flowtrackd

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
mitigationReasonReason for applying a mitigation to the packet, if any
mitigationScopeWhether the packet matched a local or global mitigation, if any (possible values: local, global)
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
protocolStateState of the packet in the context of the protocol, if available
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet
verdictThe action that Cloudflare thinks should be taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Aggregated metrics about downstream (client to edge) L4 Gateway Sessions. Metrics are reported on TCP or UDP session close

countThe number of downstream sessions
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


coloCodeIATA Airport code that represents the city in which a Cloudflare data center (colo) is located
coloCountryISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code that represents the country in which a Cloudflare data center (colo) is located
dateStart timestamp of this session, truncated to date
datetimeFifteenMinutesStart timestamp of this session, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesStart timestamp of this session, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourStart timestamp of this session, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteStart timestamp of this session, truncated to the minute
quicErrorCodeQUIC specific error code. Possible values are
rttUsLast Round Trip Time estimation for this session in microseconds
sessionIdIdentifier for this session
sourceIPIP address of the client making this session
tokenAuthStatusClient token authentication status. Possible values are success | failed with invalid token and upto date token key ID | failed with invalid token due to outdated/missing token key ID | failed due to reused token
tokenSigningRegionBroad location assigned to client in this session
transportTransport protocol used for this session. Possible values are tcp | quic | udp
transportHandshakeDurationUsTime taken for TCP/TLS or QUIC handshake in microsecond
transportStatusTransport Status. Possible values are unknown | success | failure


tokenAuthDurationUsP50Time taken for Client Token Authentication in microseconds
transportHandshakeDurationUsP50Time taken for TCP/TLS or QUIC handshake in microseconds


bytesRecvdTotal bytes received in this session
bytesSentTotal bytes sent in this session
clientBytesRetransmittedTotal bytes retransmitted by client in this session
packetsRecvdTotal number of packets received in this session
packetsSentTotal number of packets sent in this session
tokenAuthDurationUsTime taken for client token authentication in microseconds


BETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway L4 sessions with adaptive sampling

countThe number of Gateway L4 sessions
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


actionaction taken by gateway
coloCodeColo Code of edge server
datetimeDatetime that the session was started
datetimeHourDatetime that the session was started truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteDatetime that the session was started truncated to minutes
destinationIpThe destination IP address for the session
destinationPortThe destination port for the session
detectedProtocolThe detected protocol of network traffic
deviceIdThe device ID of the gateway user who initiated the session
emailThe email address of the gateway user who initiated the session
sniThe SNI pulled from the session tls handshake, if present
sourceInternalIpLocal LAN IP of the device. Only available when connected via a GRE/IPsec tunnel on-ramp
sourceIpThe source IP address for the session
sourcePortThe source port for the session
transportThe transport protocol used in the session, one of (0, tcp) (1, quic) (2, udp)
userIdThe ID of the gateway user who initiated the session


Aggregated metrics about upstream (edge to client) L4 Gateway Sessions. Metrics are reported on TCP, QUIC or UDP session close

countThe number of upstream sessions
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


coloCodeIATA Airport code that represents the city in which a Cloudflare data center (colo) is located
coloCountryISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code that represents the country in which a Cloudflare data center (colo) is located
dateStart timestamp of this session, truncated to date
datetimeFifteenMinutesStart timestamp of this session, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesStart timestamp of this session, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourStart timestamp of this session, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteStart timestamp of this session, truncated to the minute
destinationIPIP address of the origin server
domainNameSNI domain name for this session
downstreamSessionIdDownstream session identifier of this session
httpConnectReqStatusClient HTTP CONNECT request status. Possible values are unknown | success | failure
quicErrorCodeQUIC error code. Possible values are
rttUsLast Round Trip Time estimation for this session in microseconds
tokenSigningRegionBroad location assigned to client in this session
totalTunnelSetupDurationUsTotal time taken for tunnel setup in microseconds
transportTransport protocol used for this session. Possible values are tcp | quic | udp
transportStatusTransport status. Possible values are unknown | success | failure


connectReqHandlingDurationUsP50Time taken for CONNECT request handling in microseconds
totalTunnelSetupDurationUsP50Total time taken for tunnel setup in microseconds
tunnelSetupDurationUsP50Time taken to setup the tunnel in microseconds


bytesRecvdTotal bytes received in this session
bytesSentTotal bytes sent in this session
connectReqHandlingDurationUsTime taken for CONNECT request handling in microseconds
originBytesRetransmittedTotal bytes retransmitted by origin in this session
packetsRecvdTotal number of packets received in this session
packetsSentTotal number of packets sent in this session
totalTunnelSetupDurationUsTotal time taken for tunnel setup in microseconds
tunnelSetupDurationUsTime taken for tunnel setup in microseconds


BETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway L7 requests with adaptive sampling

countThe number of Gateway L7 requests
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


actionaction taken by gateway
coloCodeColo Code of edge server
datetimeDatetime that the request happened
datetimeHourDatetime that the request happened truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteDatetime that the request happened truncated to minutes
deviceIdThe device ID of the gateway user who made the request
emailThe email address of the gateway user who made the request
httpHostThe destination host for the request
httpStatusCodeHTTP status code gateway returned to the user. 0 if nothing was returned(e.g client disconnected)
isIsolatedIndicates whether this request was made through an isolated link
sourceInternalIpLocal LAN IP of the device. Only available when connected via a GRE/IPsec tunnel on-ramp
untrustedCertificateActionAction taken when an untrusted origin certificate error occurs
userIdThe ID of the gateway user who made the request


BETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway Resolver queries by category with adaptive sampling

countThe number of Gateway Resolver queries
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


categoryIdID of the category that was assigned to the domain
datetimeThe date and time the DNS query was resolved
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to minutes
locationIdThe uuid identifying the customer Location used when resolving
resolverDecisionEnum identifier for the decision made by gateway-resolver, one of: (0, unknown) (1, allowedByQueryName) (2, blockedByQueryName) (3, blockedByCategory) (4, allowedOnNoLocation) (5, allowedOnNoPolicyMatch) (6, blockedAlwaysCategory) (7, overrideForSafeSearch) (8, overrideApplied) (9, blockedRule) (10, allowedRule)


Total time spent on executing firewall rules at the edge

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
countThe number of Gateway Resolver queries
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxMaximum execution time
quantilesQuantiles of a rule execution performance


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


datetimeRequest timestamp
datetimeMonthRequest timestamp month


executionTimeMaximum execution time


executionTimeMsP25Execution time performance of 25th percentile in milliseconds
executionTimeMsP50Execution time performance of 50th percentile in milliseconds
executionTimeMsP75Execution time performance of 75th percentile in milliseconds
executionTimeMsP90Execution time performance of 90th percentile in milliseconds
executionTimeMsP95Execution time performance of 95th percentile in milliseconds
executionTimeMsP98Execution time performance of 98th percentile in milliseconds
executionTimeMsP99Execution time performance of 99th percentile in milliseconds


BETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway Resolver queries with adaptive sampling

countThe number of Gateway Resolver queries
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


categoryIdsJson array of categories for this query
datetimeThe date and time the DNS query was resolved
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to minutes
locationIdThe uuid identifying the customer Location used when resolving
matchedIndicatorFeedIdsJson array of indicator feed IDs for this query that matched rule
queryNameName of the query, e.g.
queryNameReversedName of the query in reverse order, e.g.
resolverDecisionEnum identifier for the decision made by gateway-resolver, one of: (0, unknown) (1, allowedByQueryName) (2, blockedByQueryName) (3, blockedByCategory) (4, allowedOnNoLocation) (5, allowedOnNoPolicyMatch) (6, blockedAlwaysCategory) (7, overrideForSafeSearch) (8, overrideApplied) (9, blockedRule) (10, allowedRule)
scheduleInfoJson object of schedule releated information


Daily rollups of request data

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension
uniqThe number of unique values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
uaBrowserFamilyBrowser type


clientHTTPProtocolHTTP version


clientSSLProtocolProtocol version


bytesBytes returned to client
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


dateRequest date


ipTypeIP class


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
encryptedBytesBytes returned to client using SSL/TLS protocol
encryptedRequestsRequests served using SSL/TLS protocol
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
threatsRequests classified as threats


threatPathingNameThreat type


uniquesA number of unique IPs


Hourly rollups of request data

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension
uniqThe number of unique values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
uaBrowserFamilyBrowser type


clientHTTPProtocolHTTP version


clientSSLProtocolProtocol version


bytesBytes returned to client
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


dateRequest date
datetimeRequest datetime truncated to the hour


ipTypeIP class


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
encryptedBytesBytes returned to client using SSL/TLS protocol
encryptedRequestsRequests served using SSL/TLS protocol
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
threatsRequests classified as threats


threatPathingNameThreat type


uniquesA number of unique IPs


Minutely rollups of request data

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension
uniqThe number of unique values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
uaBrowserFamilyBrowser type


clientHTTPProtocolHTTP version


clientSSLProtocolProtocol version


bytesBytes returned to client
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


dateRequest date
datetimeRequest datetime, truncated to the minute
datetimeDayRequest datetime truncated to the day
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime truncated to the minute


ipTypeIP class


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
encryptedBytesBytes returned to client using SSL/TLS protocol
encryptedRequestsRequests served using SSL/TLS protocol
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
threatsRequests classified as threats


threatPathingNameThreat type


uniquesA number of unique IPs


Raw HTTP requests with adaptive sampling

apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botManagementDecisionJudgement of the bot management system
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreBucketBy10Range of the bot management score
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
cacheReserveUsedUsed Cache Reserve to serve the response
cacheStatusCache status
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientAsnThe ASN number of the visitor
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientIPThe visitor's IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
clientRefererHostThe referrer host
clientRequestHTTPHostThe HTTP hostname requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameHTTP method of client request
clientRequestHTTPProtocolThe version of HTTP protocol requested by the visitor
clientRequestPathThe path requested by visitor
clientRequestQueryQuery parameters of client request
clientRequestRefererHTTP request referrer
clientRequestSchemeThe url scheme requested by the visitor
clientSSLProtocolSSL protocol version
contentScanHasFailed1 if not all contents for this request where successfully scanned, else 0
contentScanNumMaliciousObjNumber of scannable content objects that are malicious
contentScanNumObjNumber of scannable content objects
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsThe time elapsed resolving a CNAME if it was required to reach your origin
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to browser
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsThe time elapsed between processing the first byte of the request until when we started sending a response
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
isCrossZoneSubrequest'1' if a request was inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone; '0' otherwise.
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
originASNDescriptionASN associated with origin
originResponseStatusHTTP origin response status code returned to browser
securityActionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
securitySourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentvisitor's user-agent string
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
xRequestedWithThe X-Requested-With header of the client request
zoneTagAssociated zone
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


Aggregated HTTP requests data with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
confidenceALPHA - DO NOT USE
countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
quantilesQuantiles of a metric per dimension
ratioThe ratio of a range of status codes, between 0 and 1
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


crossZoneSubrequestsThe proportion of requests that were inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone
originResponseDurationMsThe average originResponseDuration, in milliseconds, excluding 0 values (i.e. cached ones)


countThe number of values for a metric per dimension, with confidence intervals
levelConfidence level that was requested
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension, with confidence intervals


apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botManagementDecisionJudgement of the bot management system
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreBucketBy10Range of the bot management score
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
cacheReserveUsedUsed Cache Reserve to serve the response
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientRefererHostThe referrer host
clientRequestHTTPHostHost requested by the client
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameHTTP method of client request
clientRequestHTTPProtocolHTTP protocol version
clientRequestPathPath of client request
clientRequestQueryQuery parameters of client request
clientRequestRefererHTTP request referrer
clientRequestSchemeHTTP request URI scheme (http/https)
clientSSLProtocolSSL protocol version
contentScanHasFailed1 if not all contents for this request where successfully scanned, else 0
contentScanNumMaliciousObjNumber of scannable content objects that are malicious
contentScanNumObjNumber of scannable content objects
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsThe time elapsed resolving a CNAME if it was required to reach your origin
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsThe time elapsed between processing the first byte of the request until when we started sending a response
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
isCrossZoneSubrequest'1' if a request was inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone; '0' otherwise.
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
originASNDescriptionASN associated with origin
originResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned by the origin
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
securityActionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
securitySourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
xRequestedWithThe X-Requested-With header of the client request
zoneTagAssociated zone
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


edgeDnsResponseTimeMsP5050th percentile DNS Response Time (milliseconds)
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsP9595th percentile DNS Response Time (milliseconds)
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsP9999th percentile DNS Response Time (milliseconds)
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP5050th percentile Time To First Byte (milliseconds)
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP9595th percentile Time To First Byte (milliseconds)
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP9999th percentile Time To First Byte (milliseconds)
originResponseDurationMsP5050th percentile Origin Response Duration (milliseconds)
originResponseDurationMsP9595th percentile Origin Response Duration (milliseconds)
originResponseDurationMsP9999th percentile Origin Response Duration (milliseconds)




crossZoneSubrequestsThe number of requests that were inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone
visitsThe number of requests by end-users that were initiated from a different website (i.e. where the request HTTP Referer header does not match the host in the HTTP Host header)


edgeResponseBytesConfidence interval for the corresponding point estimate


A high-level summary of HTTP requests made by end users.

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
ratioThe ratio of a metric in comparison to the rest of the traffic, between 0 and 1
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


originResponseDurationMsThe average originResponseDuration, in milliseconds, excluding 0 values (i.e. cached ones)
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientRequestHTTPProtocolHTTP protocol version
clientSSLProtocolSSL protocol version
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
zoneVersionThe version of a zone




cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
visitsThe number of requests by end-users that were initiated from a different website (i.e. where the request HTTP Referer header does not match the host in the HTTP Host header)


A high-level summary of Cloudflare Images served to end users.

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension




dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute


Beta. Logpush job health metrics

countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


dateDate that we completed pushing the log batch
datetimeDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch
datetimeFifteenMinutesDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to the minute
destinationTypeDestination type, e.g. 'S3' or 'GCS'
finalCloudflare may attempt to push a batch of logs multiple times if we encounter a failure. This field will be set to 'true' if this was the last push attempt for this batch of logs. If this field is set to false, it means the push failed but another retry was attempted. If this field is set to true and status >= 300, then the batch of logs failed to push and log data was lost. If you want to count the total number of logs that succeeded or failed, you should always set final = true.
jobIdThe Logpush Job ID
statusHTTP response status code of the log destination


bytesBytes of uncompressed log data pushed
bytesCompressedBytes of compressed log data pushed
recordsA count of the total number of records pushed.


Network analytics data for Magic Firewall

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationDeviceTagDevice tag associated with the destination IP of the packet
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
ruleIdUnique identifier of the rule that matched the packet, if any
rulesetIdUnique identifier of the ruleset containing the rule that matched the packet, if any
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceDeviceTagDevice tag associated with the source IP of the packet
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet
verdictThe action that Cloudflare thinks should be taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Data to visualize traffic allowed and blocked by Magic Firewall rules

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFiveMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
ruleIdUnique identifier of the rule that matched the packet, if any


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Network analytics data for Magic IDS

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationDeviceTagDevice tag associated with the destination IP of the packet
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceDeviceTagDevice tag associated with the source IP of the packet
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet
verdictThe action that Cloudflare thinks should be taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Network analytics data for Magic Transit traffic

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
egressTunnelIDGRE or IPSec Egress Tunnel ID for Magic WAN and Magic Transit traffic
egressTunnelNameGRE or IPSec Egress Tunnel name for Magic WAN and Magic Transit traffic
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ingressTunnelIDGRE or IPSec Ingress Tunnel ID for Magic WAN and Magic Transit traffic
ingressTunnelNameGRE or IPSec Ingress Tunnel name for Magic WAN and Magic Transit traffic
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
mitigationSystemWhich system dropped the packet (possible values: dosd, flowtrackd, magic-firewall)
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Beta. Magic Transit Health check results for customer GRE Tunnels with adaptive sampling (ABR).

countTotal number of healthcheck results
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval per dimension
tunnelStateCombined Tunnel State aggregated from multiple results. 0 is down, 0.5 is degraded and 1 is healthy


datetimeThe time the healthcheck request was sent
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe time the healthcheck request was sent, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe time the healthcheck request was sent, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourThe time the healthcheck request was sent, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourThe time the healthcheck request was sent, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe time the healthcheck request was sent, truncated to the last minute
edgeColoCityCity of the Cloudflare datacenter from where the healthcheck was run
edgeColoCodeIATA airport code of the Cloudflare datacenter from where the healthcheck was run
edgeColoCountryCountry of the Cloudflare datacenter from where the healthcheck was run
edgeColoNameThe name of the Cloudflare datacenter from where the healthcheck was run
edgeColoRegionRegion of the Cloudflare datacenter from where the healthcheck was run
remoteTunnelIPv4IP address of the remote end of the tunnel
resultStatusThe status of the request
tunnelNameHuman friendly tunnel name


Bandwidth usage metric of a Magic Transit tunnel.

avgIngress/Egress bandwidth in bits per second for a past duration
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour


datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
edgeColoCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
edgeColoCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
edgeColoCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
edgeColoGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
edgeColoNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
tunnelNameTunnel device name


Beta. Magic WAN Connector Metrics

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


cpuLoadPercentageAverage CPU load percentage
cpuTemperatureAverage CPU temperature
diskUsagePercentageAverage Disk usage percentage
memoryUsagePercentageAverage Memory usage percentage
rxBitrateFiveMinuteRx Bitrate over 5 minutes
rxBitrateMinuteRx Bitrate over 1 minute
rxPacketrateFiveMinuteRx Packet rate over 5 minutes
rxPacketrateMinuteRx Packet rate over 1 minute
txBitrateFiveMinuteTx Bitrate over 5 minutes
txBitrateMinuteTx Bitrate over 1 minute
txPacketrateFiveMinuteTx Packet rate over 5 minutes
txPacketrateMinuteTx Packet rate over 1 minute


datetimeThe date and time the event was recorded
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
mconnInterfaceNameName of connector interface
mconnInterfaceTypeInterface type LAN, WAN or IPSEC
mconnSiteIDCustomer site identifier


interfaceCountNumber of interfaces of a given Type


Flow data collected through Magic Network Monitoring

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval applied to the data


dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAddressIP to which the data was sent
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the packet
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
protocolLayer 4 protocol
protocolStringHuman-readable string representation of the protocol
routerAddressIP of the router that sampled the flows
ruleIDsList of flow matching rules
sourceAddressIP from which the data was sent
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
versionVersion of the record schema


bitsSum of bits
packetsSum of packets


Data to visualize network error logs

countThe number of NEL Reports
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


clientIPASNClient ASN
clientIPASNDescriptionClient ASN Description
clientIPCountryClient Country
clientIPCountryCode2 letter client country code using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 syntax
clientIPVersionIP Version the client used to connect
dateRequest date from browser
datetimeRequest datetime from browser
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the minute
lastKnownGoodColoCodeIATA airport code of colo the client connected to
phaseThe phase of connection the error occurred in
protocolHTTP Protocol used when the error occured
typeThe type of error in the phase


Pages Functions invocations with adaptive sampling

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
quantilesQuantiles of a metric per dimension
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


dateRequest datetime, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeHourRequest datetime, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime, truncated to start of an minute
scriptNameThe name of the script
statusStatus of the worker invocation
usageModelUsage model of the worker invocation


cpuTimeP50CPU time 50th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP75CPU time 75th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP99CPU time 99th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP999CPU time 99.9th percentile - microseconds
durationP50Duration 50th percentile - GB*s
durationP75Duration 75th percentile - GB*s
durationP99Duration 99th percentile - GB*s
durationP999Duration 99.9th percentile - GB*s


durationSum of Duration - GB*s
errorsSum of Errors
requestsSum of Requests
responseBodySizeSum of Response Body Sizes
subrequestsSum of Subrequests
wallTimeSum of Wall Time


Beta. Queue backlog data with adaptive sampling. Queues that are not being written to, or read from, will not return data, even if they have a backlog.

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


bytesThe average size of the backlog in bytes for sample interval
messagesThe average number of messages in the backlog for sample interval
sampleIntervalThe average value used for sample interval


dateMessage operation timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeMessage operation timestamp
datetimeHourMessage operation timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteMessage operation timestamp, truncated to start of an minute
queueIdThe ID of the Queue


Beta. Queue consumer metrics with adaptive sampling. Inactive queues will not return data.

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


concurrencyThe average concurrency of the queue
sampleIntervalThe average value used for sample interval


dateConsumer metric timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeConsumer metric timestamp
datetimeHourConsumer metric timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteConsumer metric timestamp, truncated to start of an minute
queueIdThe ID of the Queue


Beta. Queue message operation data with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
countNumber of Message Operations
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxThe max of values for a metric per dimension
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


lagTimeThe average time in milliseconds between when the message was written to the queue and the current operation over the sample interval. Will always be 0 for WriteMessage operations.
retryCountThe average number of retries per message operation. A retry occurs after an unsucessful delivery, if the queue is configured to retry failed attempts. Only applicable to ReadMessage and DeleteMessage operations. Will always be 0 for WriteMessage operations.
sampleIntervalThe average value used for sample interval


actionTypeThe type of the Queue message operation
dateMessage operation timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeMessage operation timestamp
datetimeHourMessage operation timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteMessage operation timestamp, truncated to start of an minute
outcomeThe outcome of the operation. Only applicable to DeleteMessage action types. Can be 'success', 'dlq', or 'fail'. Always 'none' for other operations.
queueIdThe ID of the Queue


messageSizeMax Message Size


billableOperationsNumber of Billable Operations (some message operations count as multiple billable operations)
bytesTotal size (in bytes) of message operations


Beta. R2 operations with adaptive sampling

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


actionStatusStatus of the R2 operation
actionTypeThe name of the R2 operation
bucketNameThe name of the R2 bucket, if applicable to this request
dateRequest timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest timestamp
datetimeHourRequest timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest timestamp, truncated to start of an minute
objectNameThe name of the R2 object, if applicable to this request
responseStatusCodeHTTP status code returned by R2


requestsSum of Requests
responseObjectSizeSum of Response Object Sizes


Beta. R2 storage with adaptive sampling

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxThe max of values for a metric per dimension


bucketNameThe name of the R2 bucket, if applicable to this request
dateStorage sample timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeStorage sample timestamp
datetimeHourStorage sample timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteStorage sample timestamp, truncated to start of an minute


metadataSizeMax of metadata size
objectCountMax of object count
payloadSizeMax of payload size
uploadCountMax of upload count


Beta. Aggregated RUM pageload event metrics with adaptive sampling

countThe number of pages viewed by end-users
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


botIndicates if the request is likely from a bot (non-human traffic). Returns 1 if from a bot, 0 otherwise.
countryNameClient country ISO 3166 alpha2 code
customTagInternalSxgSigned Exchange enabled status
dateRequest date from browser
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the minute
deviceTypeDevice type used for view the page
refererHostHost of the HTTP request referer
refererPathPath of the HTTP request referer
refererSchemeScheme of the HTTP request referer (http or https)
requestHostHTTP Host of the web page URL
requestPathPath of the web page URL
requestSchemeScheme of the web page URL (http or https)
siteTagThe key value to identify a site
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent


visitsThe number of pages viewed by end-users that were initiated from a different website (i.e. where the Document.referrer does not match the hostname)


Beta. Aggregated RUM performance event metrics with adaptive sampling

countThe number of pages viewed by end-users
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


connectionTimeConnection time
dnsTimeDomain lookup time
firstContentfulPaintThe time when the first content piece from the DOM is painted (i.e. some text or an image)
firstPaintThe time when the first pixel is painted onto the screen (i.e. background of the page)
loadEventTimeThe time taken for the load event
pageLoadTimeThe time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageRenderTimeThe time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
requestTimeThe time between initiating the request and receiving the first byte of the response
responseTimeThe time between receiving the first byte and the last byte of the response
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


botIndicates if the request is likely from a bot (non-human traffic). Returns 1 if from a bot, 0 otherwise.
countryNameClient country ISO 3166 alpha2 code
customTagInternalSxgSigned Exchange enabled status
dateRequest date from browser
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the minute
deviceTypeDevice type used for view the page
refererHostHost of the HTTP request referer
refererPathPath of the HTTP request referer
refererSchemeScheme of the HTTP request referer (http or https)
requestHostHTTP Host of the web page URL
requestPathPath of the web page URL
requestSchemeScheme of the web page URL (http or https)
siteTagThe key value to identify a site
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent


connectionTimeP50Connection time
connectionTimeP75Connection time
connectionTimeP90Connection time
connectionTimeP99Connection time
dnsTimeP50Domain lookup time
dnsTimeP75Domain lookup time
dnsTimeP90Domain lookup time
dnsTimeP99Domain lookup time
firstContentfulPaintP50The time when the first content piece from the DOM is painted (i.e. some text or an image)
firstContentfulPaintP75The time when the first content piece from the DOM is painted (i.e. some text or an image)
firstContentfulPaintP90The time when the first content piece from the DOM is painted (i.e. some text or an image)
firstContentfulPaintP99The time when the first content piece from the DOM is painted (i.e. some text or an image)
firstPaintP50The time when the first pixel is painted onto the screen (i.e. background of the page)
firstPaintP75The time when the first pixel is painted onto the screen (i.e. background of the page)
firstPaintP90The time when the first pixel is painted onto the screen (i.e. background of the page)
firstPaintP99The time when the first pixel is painted onto the screen (i.e. background of the page)
loadEventTimeP50The time taken for the load event
loadEventTimeP75The time taken for the load event
loadEventTimeP90The time taken for the load event
loadEventTimeP99The time taken for the load event
pageLoadTimeP50The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageLoadTimeP75The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageLoadTimeP90The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageLoadTimeP99The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageRenderTimeP50The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageRenderTimeP75The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageRenderTimeP90The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
pageRenderTimeP99The time to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window
requestTimeP50The time between initiating the request and receiving the first byte of the response
requestTimeP75The time between initiating the request and receiving the first byte of the response
requestTimeP90The time between initiating the request and receiving the first byte of the response
requestTimeP99The time between initiating the request and receiving the first byte of the response
responseTimeP50The time between receiving the first byte and the last byte of the response
responseTimeP75The time between receiving the first byte and the last byte of the response
responseTimeP90The time between receiving the first byte and the last byte of the response
responseTimeP99The time between receiving the first byte and the last byte of the response


visitsThe number of pages viewed by end-users that were initiated from a different website (i.e. where the Document.referrer does not match the hostname)


Beta. RUM Web Vitals event metrics with adaptive sampling

botIndicates if the request is likely from a bot (non-human traffic). Returns 1 if from a bot, 0 otherwise.
countryNameClient country ISO 3166 alpha2 code
cumulativeLayoutShiftCumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals) (-1 indicates N/A)
cumulativeLayoutShiftCurrentRectLayout values of the rectangular area after the changes
cumulativeLayoutShiftElementDOM selector name of the largest layout shift
cumulativeLayoutShiftPathObserved path of the Cumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals)
cumulativeLayoutShiftPreviousRectLayout values of the rectangular area before the changes
customTagInternalSxgSigned Exchange enabled status
dateRequest date from browser
datetimeRequest datetime from browser
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the minute
deviceTypeDevice type used for view the page
refererHostHost of the HTTP request referer
refererPathPath of the HTTP request referer
refererSchemeScheme of the HTTP request referer (http or https)
requestHostHTTP Host of the web page URL
requestPathPath of the web page URL
requestSchemeScheme of the web page URL (http or https)
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
siteTagThe key value to identify a site
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent


Beta. Aggregated RUM Web Vitals event metrics with adaptive sampling

countThe number of pages viewed by end-users
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


cumulativeLayoutShiftCumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals) (negative value indicates N/A)
firstContentfulPaintFirst Contentful Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstInputDelayFirst Input Delay (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
interactionToNextPaintInteraction to Next Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
largestContentfulPaintLargest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpElementRenderDelayLargest Contentful Paint Attributions Element Render Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadDelayLargest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadTimeLargest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Time in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval
timeToFirstByteTime to First Byte in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)


botIndicates if the request is likely from a bot (non-human traffic). Returns 1 if from a bot, 0 otherwise.
countryNameClient country ISO 3166 alpha2 code
cumulativeLayoutShiftElementDOM selector name of the largest layout shift
cumulativeLayoutShiftPathObserved path of the Cumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals)
customTagInternalSxgSigned Exchange enabled status
dateRequest date from browser
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the minute
deviceTypeDevice type used for view the page
firstInputDelayElementDOM selector name of the input delay
firstInputDelayNameAction name of the input delay
firstInputDelayPathObserved path of the First Input Delay (Core Web Vitals)
largestContentfulPaintElementDOM selector name of the largest object
largestContentfulPaintObjectHostHost of the largest object
largestContentfulPaintObjectPathPath of the largest object
largestContentfulPaintObjectSchemeScheme of the largest object (http or https)
largestContentfulPaintPathObserved path of the Largest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals)
lcpFetchPriorityFetch priority of the LCP element.
lcpInitiatorTypeInitiator type of the LCP element.
refererHostHost of the HTTP request referer
refererPathPath of the HTTP request referer
refererSchemeScheme of the HTTP request referer (http or https)
requestHostHTTP Host of the web page URL
requestPathPath of the web page URL
requestSchemeScheme of the web page URL (http or https)
siteTagThe key value to identify a site
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent


cumulativeLayoutShiftP50Cumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals) (negative value indicates N/A)
cumulativeLayoutShiftP75Cumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals) (negative value indicates N/A)
cumulativeLayoutShiftP90Cumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals) (negative value indicates N/A)
cumulativeLayoutShiftP99Cumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals) (negative value indicates N/A)
firstContentfulPaintP50First Contentful Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstContentfulPaintP75First Contentful Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstContentfulPaintP90First Contentful Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstContentfulPaintP99First Contentful Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstInputDelayP50First Input Delay (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstInputDelayP75First Input Delay (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstInputDelayP90First Input Delay (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
firstInputDelayP99First Input Delay (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
interactionToNextPaintP50Interaction to Next Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
interactionToNextPaintP75Interaction to Next Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
interactionToNextPaintP90Interaction to Next Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
interactionToNextPaintP99Interaction to Next Paint in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
largestContentfulPaintP50Largest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
largestContentfulPaintP75Largest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
largestContentfulPaintP90Largest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
largestContentfulPaintP99Largest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals) in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpElementRenderDelayP50Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Element Render Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpElementRenderDelayP75Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Element Render Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpElementRenderDelayP90Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Element Render Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpElementRenderDelayP99Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Element Render Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadDelayP50Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadDelayP75Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadDelayP90Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadDelayP99Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Delay in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadTimeP50Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Time in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadTimeP75Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Time in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadTimeP90Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Time in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
lcpResourceLoadTimeP99Largest Contentful Paint Attributions Resource Load Time in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
timeToFirstByteP50Time to First Byte in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
timeToFirstByteP75Time to First Byte in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
timeToFirstByteP90Time to First Byte in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)
timeToFirstByteP99Time to First Byte in microseconds (negative value indicates N/A)


clsGoodCumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals), count of Good occurrences (under 0.1)
clsNeedsImprovementCumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals), count of Needs Improvement occurrences (between 0.1 and 0.25)
clsPoorCumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals), count of Poor occurrences (over 0.25)
clsTotalCumulative Layout Shift (Core Web Vitals), total count
fcpGoodFirst Contentful Paint, count of Good occurrences (under 1.8 s)
fcpNeedsImprovementFirst Contentful Paint, count of Needs Improvement occurrences (between 1.8 s and 3 s)
fcpPoorFirst Contentful Paint, count of Poor occurrences (over 3 s)
fcpTotalFirst Contentful Paint, total count
fidGoodFirst Input Delay (Core Web Vitals), count of Good occurrences (under 100 ms)
fidNeedsImprovementFirst Input Delay (Core Web Vitals), count of Needs Improvement occurrences (between 100 ms and 300ms)
fidPoorFirst Input Delay (Core Web Vitals), count of Poor occurrences (over 300 ms)
fidTotalFirst Input Delay (Core Web Vitals), total count
inpGoodInteraction to Next Paint, count of Good occurrences (under 200 ms)
inpNeedsImprovementInteraction to Next Paint, count of Needs Improvement occurrences (between 200 ms and 500ms)
inpPoorInteraction to Next Paint, count of Poor occurrences (over 500 ms)
inpTotalInteraction to Next Paint, total count
lcpGoodLargest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals), count of Good occurrences (under 2.5 sec)
lcpNeedsImprovementLargest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals), count of Needs Improvement occurrences (between 2.5 sec and 4.0 sec)
lcpPoorLargest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals), count of Poor occurrences (over 4.0 sec)
lcpTotalLargest Contentful Paint (Core Web Vitals), total count
ttfbGoodTime to First Byte, count of Good occurrences (under 800 ms)
ttfbNeedsImprovementTime to First Byte, count of Needs Improvement occurrences (between 800 ms and 1800ms)
ttfbPoorTime to First Byte, count of Poor occurrences (over 500 ms)
ttfbTotalTime to First Byte, total count
visitsThe number of pages viewed by end-users that were initiated from a different website (i.e. where the Document.referrer does not match the hostname)


Access and limitations for an account



Sinkhole Request Logs

bodyThe request body
datetimeThe date and time the event was recorded
destinationAddressThe destination IP address of the request
headersThe request headers. If a header has multiple values, the values are comma separated. Each header is newline separated.
hostThe host the request was sent to
methodThe request method
r2PathThe path to the object within the R2 bucket linked to this sinkhole that stores overflow body and header data. Blank if neither headers nor body was larger than 256 bytes.
referrerThe referrer of the request
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sinkholeIdThe ID of the sinkhole that logged the request
sourceAddressThe sender's IP address
uriThe request uri
urlThe request url
userAgentThe request user agent


Sinkhole Request Logs

countNumber of requests logged (approximation when sampleInterval > 1)
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


bodyThe request body
datetimeThe date and time the event was recorded
destinationAddressThe destination IP address of the request
headersThe request headers. If a header has multiple values, the values are comma separated. Each header is newline separated.
hostThe host the request was sent to
methodThe request method
r2PathThe path to the object within the R2 bucket linked to this sinkhole that stores overflow body and header data. Blank if neither headers nor body was larger than 256 bytes.
referrerThe referrer of the request
sinkholeIdThe ID of the sinkhole that logged the request
sourceAddressThe sender's IP address
uriThe request uri
urlThe request url
userAgentThe request user agent


Network analytics data for Spectrum traffic

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


bitRateSum of bits received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetime
bitRateDaySum of bits received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by date
bitRateFifteenMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
bitRateFiveMinutesSum of bits received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
bitRateHourSum of bits received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeHour
bitRateMinuteSum of bits received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
bitRateTenSecondsSum of bits received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second bit rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds
packetRateSum of packets received, divided by 1 second, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetime
packetRateDaySum of packets received, divided by 86400 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by date
packetRateFifteenMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 900 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFifteenMinutes
packetRateFiveMinutesSum of packets received, divided by 300 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeFiveMinutes
packetRateHourSum of packets received, divided by 3600 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeHour
packetRateMinuteSum of packets received, divided by 60 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeMinute
packetRateTenSecondsSum of packets received, divided by 10 seconds, providing a per-second packet rate when grouped by datetimeTenSeconds


applicationTagApplication tag associated with the packet
coloCityCity where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located
coloCodeCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code)
coloCountryCountry where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
coloGeohashLatitude and longitude where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
coloNameCloudflare datacenter that received the packet (unique site identifier)
dateDate that the packet was received
datetimeDate and time that the packet was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest five minutes
datetimeHourDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest hour
datetimeMinuteDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest minute
datetimeTenSecondsDate and time that the packet was received, rounded to the start of the nearest ten seconds
destinationAsnASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
destinationAsnNameName of ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet, if available
destinationCountryCountry where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
destinationGeohashLatitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
destinationPortValue of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
directionDirection of the packet relative to the customer network (possible values: inbound, outbound, lateral)
ethertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the Ethernet packet (2048 for IPv4; 34525 for IPv6)
greChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the GRE packet
greEthertypeValue of the Ethertype header field in the GRE packet
greHeaderLengthLength of the GRE packet header, in bytes
greKeyValue of the Key header field in the GRE packet
greSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet
greVersionValue of the Version header field in the GRE packet
icmpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the ICMP packet
icmpCodeValue of the Code header field in the ICMP packet
icmpTypeValue of the Type header field in the ICMP packet
ipDestinationAddressValue of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipDestinationSubnetComputed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipFragmentOffsetValue of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipHeaderLengthLength of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes
ipMoreFragmentsValue of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolValue of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipProtocolNameName of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceAddressValue of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet
ipSourceSubnetComputed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6)
ipTotalLengthTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes
ipTotalLengthBucketsTotal length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated
ipTtlValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet
ipTtlBucketsValue of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated
ipv4ChecksumValue of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DontFragmentValue of the Don't Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4IdentificationValue of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet
ipv4OptionsList of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header
ipv6DscpValue of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6EcnValue of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6ExtensionHeadersList of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header
ipv6FlowLabelValue of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet
ipv6IdentificationValue of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet
leaseTagIP lease tag associated with the packet
mitigationSystemWhich system dropped the packet (possible values: dosd, flowtrackd, magic-firewall)
outcomeThe action that was taken on the packet (possible values: pass, drop)
prefixTagIP prefix tag associated with the packet
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceAsnASN associated with the source IP of the packet, or 0 if there was no mapping available
sourceAsnNameName of ASN associated with the source IP of the packet, if available
sourceCountryCountry where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
sourceGeohashLatitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding)
sourcePortValue of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet
tcpAcknowledgementNumberValue of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the TCP packet
tcpDataOffsetValue of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsValue of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpFlagsStringHuman-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet
tcpMssValue of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet
tcpOptionsList of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header
tcpSackBlocksValue of the SACK Blocks option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSackPermittedValue of the SACK Permitted option header field in the TCP packet
tcpSequenceNumberValue of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampEcrValue of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header field in the TCP packet
tcpTimestampValueValue of the Timestamp option header field in the TCP packet
tcpUrgentPointerValue of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowScaleValue of the Window Scale option header field in the TCP packet
tcpWindowSizeValue of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet
udpChecksumValue of the Checkusm header field in the UDP packet
udpPayloadLengthValue of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet


bitsSum of bits received
packetsSum of packets received


Storage Tracing Information

containerIdThe container that this resource is stored under.
datetimeStorage trace timestamp
resourceIdThe identifier to access this resource in the container.
serviceIdThe identifier of the storage service that houses the resourse.
traceIdThe ID that this trace entry is under.
userAccountIdThe AccountID of the user who owns the resource.


A high-level summary of Cloudflare Stream minutes viewed.

countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


clientCountryNameISO 3166 alpha2 country code from the client
creatorCustomer-provided creator ID of a video
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
mediaTypeThe source of the minutes viewed
uidUnique ID of a video




Beta. Cloudflare Turnstile aggregated events with adaptive sampling

countNumber of Cloudflare Turnstile events processed
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


actionThe action tag of the challenge event
dateThe date the challenge event was emitted
datetimeThe date and time the challenge event was emitted
datetimeDayThe date and time the challenge event was emitted truncated to the day
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the challenge event was emitted truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the challenge event was emitted truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourThe date and time the challenge event was emitted truncated to a multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the challenge event was emitted truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the challenge event was emitted truncated to the minute
eventTypeThe type of the Cloudflare Turnstile event
siteKeyThe sitekey of the widget associated with the event


Beta. Aggregated video streaming buffer event metrics with adaptive sampling

countTotal number of buffer events
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


clientCountryNameISO 3166 alpha2 country code from the client
dateRequest date of the event
datetimeRequest datetime of the event
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime of the event, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime of the event, truncated to the minute
deviceBrowserBrowser of the device used in playback
deviceOsOS of the device used in playback
deviceTypeDevice type used in playback
uidunique id for a video


Beta. Aggregated video streaming playback event metrics with adaptive sampling

countTotal number of playback starts
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


clientCountryNameISO 3166 alpha2 country code from the client
dateRequest date of the event
datetimeRequest datetime of the event
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime of the event, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime of the event, truncated to the minute
deviceBrowserBrowser of the device used in playback
deviceOsOS of the device used in playback
deviceTypeDevice type used in playback
uidunique id for a video


timeViewedMinutesTotal time viewed in minutes


Beta. Aggregated video streaming quality change event metrics with adaptive sampling

countTotal number of quality change events
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


clientCountryNameISO 3166 alpha2 country code from the client
dateRequest date of the event
datetimeRequest datetime of the event
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime of the event, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime of the event, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime of the event, truncated to the minute
deviceBrowserBrowser of the device used in playback
deviceOsOS of the device used in playback
deviceTypeDevice type used in playback
qualityResolutionVideo playback vertical resolution
uidunique id for a video


Beta. Warp device health events with adaptive sampling

countNumber of device health events, which usually occur at 2m intervals per device
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


clientPlatformDevice's OS
clientVersionDevice's Warp version
coloDevice's connected colo
dateThe date of the device log
datetimeThe date and time of the device log
datetimeFiveMinuteThe date and time of the device log truncated to every five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time of the device log truncated to the hour
datetimeTenMinuteThe date and time of the device log truncated to every ten minutes
deviceIdDevice ID
modeDevice's Warp mode
statusDevice connection status


deviceIdsApproximate count of unique deviceIds


Worker placement metrics

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


dateRequest timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest timestamp
datetimeHourRequest timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest timestamp, truncated to start of an minute
httpStatusResponse status of worker
isSample1 if the request was sampled to bypass Smart Placement, 0 otherwise
placementUsed1 if the request was processed using Smart Placement, 0 if it was processed in default mode
requestDurationBucketMinBucket of request duration rounded down to nearest 10*2^n
requestDurationBucketMin100msBucket of request duration rounded down to nearest 100ms
scriptNameThe script name
scriptTagThe unique tag of the script


requestDurationSum of duration ms of requests measured at the data centers that receive the requests
requestsTotal number of requests


Beta. Custom Events with adaptive sampling

countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


datasetThe dataset name
dateThe date the event occurred
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred truncated to the start of an hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred truncated to the start of a minute


Beta. Workers invocations with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxThe max value for a metric
minThe min value for a metric
quantilesQuantiles of a metric per dimension
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension




dateRequest datetime, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeHourRequest datetime, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime, truncated to start of an minute
dispatchNamespaceNameThe name of the script's dispatch namespace
environmentNameThe name of the script environment
scriptNameThe name of the script
scriptTagThe unique tag of the script
statusStatus of the worker invocation
usageModelUsage model of the worker invocation


cpuTimeMaximum CPU time for one request - microseconds
durationMaximum duration of one request - GB*s
responseBodySizeMaximum response body size for one request - bytes
wallTimeMaximum wall time for one request - microseconds


cpuTimeMinimum CPU time for one request - microseconds
durationMinimum duration of one request - GB*s
responseBodySizeMinimum response body size for one request - bytes
wallTimeMinimum wall time for one request - microseconds


cpuTimeP25CPU time 25th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP50CPU time 50th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP75CPU time 75th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP90CPU time 90th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP99CPU time 99th percentile - microseconds
cpuTimeP999CPU time 99.9th percentile - microseconds
durationP25Duration 25th percentile - GB*s
durationP50Duration 50th percentile - GB*s
durationP75Duration 75th percentile - GB*s
durationP90Duration 90th percentile - GB*s
durationP99Duration 99th percentile - GB*s
durationP999Duration 99.9th percentile - GB*s
responseBodySizeP25Response body size 25th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP50Response body size 50th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP75Response body size 75th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP90Response body size 90th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP99Response body size 99th percentile - bytes
responseBodySizeP999Response body size 99.9th percentile - bytes
wallTimeP25Wall time 25th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP50Wall time 50th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP75Wall time 75th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP90Wall time 90th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP99Wall time 99th percentile - microseconds
wallTimeP999Wall time 99.9th percentile - microseconds


durationSum of Duration - GB*s
errorsSum of Errors
requestsSum of Requests
responseBodySizeSum of Response Body Sizes
subrequestsSum of Subrequests
wallTimeSum of Wall Time


Workers scheduled invocations

cpuTimeUsCPU time - microseconds
cronThe cron string of the schedule
datetimeRequest datetime
environmentNameThe name of the script environment
scheduledDatetimeScheduled datetime
scriptNameThe name of the script
statusStatus of the worker invocation


Beta. Workers subrequests with adaptive sampling

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


cacheStatusCache status
dateRequest datetime, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeHourRequest datetime, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime, truncated to start of an minute
environmentNameThe name of the script environment
scriptNameThe name of the script
usageModelUsage model of the worker invocation


requestBodySizeUncachedWorkers fetch request body size in bytes where the request was not cached
subrequestsNumber of subrequests


Zaraz Triggers Analytics (a trigger is a set of rules that can trigger a zaraz action)

countNumber of processed Zaraz Triggers
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dateThe date when trigger was triggerd
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
triggerNameTrigger Name


Beta - Unique origins, applications, and users discovered for Zero Trust private networks

countSum of network access during the select range
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dateRequest date
datetimeHourRequest datetime and start of the hour
destinationIPDestination IPv4 or IPv6
destinationPortDestination port
emailThe email address of the user who accessed the resource
hostnameSNI hostname of the origin if TLS intercept is enabled
originIdUUID of the origin if it has been identified before
statusstatus of the origin, one of unreviewed, in_review, approved, unapproved
transportThe transport protocol used in the session, one of (0, tcp) (1, quic) (2, udp)
userIdThe ID of the user who accessed the resource


dateTimeLatest access time of a user


emailsApproximate count of unique emails
originsApproximate count of unique origins. An origin is a (transport, destinationIP, destinationPort)
userIdsApproximate count of unique users


estimateEstimated value of this metric
isValidTrue if the confidence interval is valid, i.e. there is enough samples at low enough sample interval
lowerLower bound of confidence interval
sampleSizeNumber of samples that contributed to the estimate
upperUpper bound of confidence interval


Scalar type types.Date



Mutations are not supported





Access and limitations

availableFieldsThe list of available fields to query
maxDurationRequested time range should not be wider than this (seconds)
maxNumberOfFieldsMaximum number of fields to request at once
maxPageSizeMaximum allowed value for 'limit'
notOlderThanCannot reach for data beyond this distance in the past (seconds)


Scalar type time.Time



GraphQL query attributes and trends

countNumber of events with GraphQL query attributes computed
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


apiGatewayGraphqlQueryDepthMaximum depth level of a terminal (leaf) field in the query
apiGatewayGraphqlQuerySizeNumber of terminal (leaf) fields in the query


Beta. Aggregated count of Session Identifier matches

countNumber of events with Session Identifiers
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


apiGatewayMatchedSessionIdentifierNameName of session identifier
apiGatewayMatchedSessionIdentifierTypeType of session identifier. Possible values are header | cookie


Sequences of API endpoint operations. Sequences are grouped by AuthID and currently ranked by correlation score. Correlation scores are estimated over a 24 hour window and are current to within 10 minutes

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


correlationCorrelation score estimated over a 24 hour window (higher scores mean more correlation between requests in the sequence of endpoint operations)
numOccurrencesEstimated number of occurrences of this sequence of endpoint operations
numOccurrencesPrefixEstimated number of occurrences of this sequence of endpoint operations, disregarding the last operation
numOccurrencesSuffixEstimated number of occurrences of this sequence of endpoint operations, disregarding the first operation
operationsApiEndpointsAPI endpoints comprising the sequence of operations. Individual endpoints are delimited by # symbols
operationsClientRequestHTTPMethodsHTTP request methods comprising the sequence of operations. Individual request method names are delimited by # symbols
samplingFractionFraction of requests sampled


timeLastSeenTime of the most recent occurrence of this sequence of endpoint operations (based on the timestamp of the first request in the sequence)
timeLastUpdatedThe time at which Cloudflare last refreshed this data


apiHostThe host associated with this sequence of endpoint operations
clientRequestHTTPHostThe host associated with this sequence of endpoint operations
datetimeSequence generation timeslot, truncated to 10 minutes
rankSequence rank based on ordering sequences by correlation


Beta. Cache Reserve operations with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension




actionStatusStatus of the R2 operation
bucketNameName of bucket containing stored objects
dateRequest timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest timestamp
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest timestamp, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest timestamp, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourRequest timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest timestamp, truncated to start of an minute
operationClassBillable class of storage operation


requestsSum of Requests


Cache Reserve HTTP requests data with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumSum of bytes returned to client




cacheStatusCache status
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to browser




Beta. Cache Reserve storage with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxThe max of values for a metric per dimension




bucketHashHash of bucket containing stored objects
bucketNameName of bucket containing stored objects
dateStorage sample timestamp, truncated to start of a day
datetimeStorage sample timestamp
datetimeFifteenMinutesStorage sample timestamp, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesStorage sample timestamp, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourStorage sample timestamp, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteStorage sample timestamp, truncated to start of an minute


objectCountMax of object count
storedBytesPayload and metadata size of objects in bucket


Dmarc report records with adaptive sampling

datetimeThe date and time the source email was received
dispositionDMARC policy disposition
dkimDKIM result
domainDomain to which this report refers to
envelopeFromEnvelope From of emails
envelopeToEnvelope To of emails
evaluatedReasonReason (if any) why the record was evaluated
headerFromHeader From of emails
matchingMessagesNumber of messages that matched
orgNameOrganization that generated report
policyDKIMAlignmentModeDKIM alignment mode specified in the policy
policyDomainDMARC policy of the domain
policyPercentagePercentage of emails that should be checked
policySPFAlignmentModeSPF alignment mode specified in the policy
policySubDomainDMARC policy of subdomains
recordIdUnique identifier of this record
recordIndexIndex of this record within the report
reportBeginStart of the reporting period
reportEndEnd of the reporting period
reportErrorError message (if any)
reportIdUnique identifier of the report to which this record belongs
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceIPSource IP address of the email
sourceLocationNameCountry name from source IP
sourceOrgNameSource IP address organisation name
sourceOrgSlugSource IP address organisation slug
sourcePTRSource Domain from IP address
spfSPF result
spfMFromDomainChecked domain from scope mfrom


Aggregated dmarc reports by sources logs with adaptive sampling

avgBeta. The avg of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dkimPassPercentage of dkim messages pass
dmarcPercentage of dmarc messages pass
spfPassPercentage of spf messages pass


dateThe date the source email was received
datetimeDayThe date and time the source email was received truncated to the day
datetimeHourThe date and time the source email was received truncated to the hour
datetimeLast31DaysThe date and time the source email was received truncated to the last 31 days
datetimeMonthThe date and time the source email was received truncated to the month
datetimeWeekThe date and time the source email was received truncated to the week
dispositionDMARC policy disposition
dkimDKIM result
domainDomain to which this report refers to
envelopeFromEnvelope From of emails
envelopeToEnvelope To of emails
evaluatedReasonReason (if any) why the record was evaluated
headerFromHeader From of emails
orgNameOrganization that generated report
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceIPSource IP address of the email
sourceLocationNameCountry name from source IP
sourceOrgNameSource IP address organisation name
sourceOrgSlugSource IP address organisation slug
sourcePTRSource Domain from IP address
spfSPF result
spfMFromDomainChecked domain from scope mfrom


dkimPassTotal of dkim messages pass
dmarcTotal of dmarc messages pass
spfPassTotal of spf messages pass
totalMatchingMessagesTotal matching messages


ipCountNumber of distinct IPs


Analytics data for DNS queries (currently, only Foundation DNS zones are supported)

coloNameIATA airport code of the data center that processed the query
ipVersionInternet Protocol version over which the query was received
protocolTransport protocol over which the query was received
queryNameDNS query name without trailing dot
querySizeSize of the DNS query in bytes
queryTypeDNS query type
responseCachedWhether the DNS response was served from cache
responseCodeDNS response code
responseSizeSize of the DNS response in bytes
responseStaleWhether a stale DNS response was served from cache
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
timestampTime at which the query was received
upstreamUpstream server that the query was forwarded to


Analytics data for DNS queries (currently, only Foundation DNS zones are supported)

avgAverage of a metric per dimension
countNumber of queries per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
quantilesQuantiles of a metric per dimension


responseTimeUsAverage response time in microseconds
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


coloNameIATA airport code of the data center that processed the query
ipVersionInternet Protocol version over which the query was received
protocolTransport protocol over which the query was received
queryNameDNS query name without trailing dot
querySizeBucketSize of the DNS query in bytes (in multiples of 16)
queryTypeDNS query type
responseCachedWhether the DNS response was served from cache
responseCodeDNS response code
responseSizeBucketSize of the DNS response in bytes (in multiples of 16)
responseStaleWhether a stale DNS response was served from cache
timestampTime at which the query was received
upstreamUpstream server that the query was forwarded to


responseTimeUsP5050th percentile response time in microseconds (median)
responseTimeUsP9090th percentile response time in microseconds
responseTimeUsP9999th percentile response time in microseconds


Beta. Raw email routing logs with adaptive sampling

datetimeThe date and time the source email was received
dkimDKIM check status of the source email
dmarcDMARC check status of the source email
errorDetailDetailed error message (if any)
fromThe sender email address of the source email
isNDRIs this event related to a NDR (bounce) email?
messageIdThe Message-ID header of the source email (if present)
ruleMatchedThe UUID of the routing rule matched by the source email
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sessionIdUnique identifier for the email log entry (note: retries for the same email may result in multiple log entries)
spfSPF check status of the source email
statusThe resulting outcome (action) for the email
subjectThe subject of the source email
toThe recipient email address of the source email


Beta. Aggregated email routing logs with adaptive sampling

countNumber of emails processed (approximation when sampleInterval > 1)
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dateThe date the source email was received
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the source email was received truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the source email was received truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the source email was received truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the source email was received truncated to the minute
dkimDKIM check status of the source email
dmarcDMARC check status of the source email
isNDRIs this event related to a NDR (bounce) email?
ruleMatchedThe UUID of the routing rule matched by the source email
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
spfSPF check status of the source email
statusThe resulting outcome (action) for the email




Raw Firewall events with adaptive sampling

actionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientAsnThe ASN number of the visitor
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientIPThe visitor's IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
clientIPClassThe classification of the visitor's IP address, possible values are: unknown | clean | badHost | searchEngine | allowlist | greylist | monitoringService | securityScanner | noRecord | scan | backupService | mobilePlatform | tor
clientRefererHostThe referer host
clientRefererPathThe referer path requested by visitor
clientRefererQueryThe referer query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRefererSchemeThe referer url scheme requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPHostThe HTTP hostname requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameThe HTTP method used by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPProtocolThe version of HTTP protocol requested by the visitor
clientRequestPathThe path requested by visitor
clientRequestQueryThe query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRequestSchemeThe url scheme requested by the visitor
contentScanHasFailed1 if not all contents for this request where successfully scanned, else 0
contentScanNumMaliciousObjNumber of scannable content objects that are malicious
contentScanNumObjNumber of scannable content objects
contentScanObjResultsArray of scan results in order of detection
contentScanObjTypesArray of content types in order of detection
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
descriptionThe description of the rule triggered by this request
edgeColoNameThe airport code of the Cloudflare datacenter that served this request
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to browser
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
kindThe kind of event, currently only possible values are: firewall
matchIndexRules match index in the chain
metadataAdditional product-specific information. Metadata is organized in key:value pairs
originResponseStatusHTTP origin response status code returned to browser
originatorRayNameThe RayId of the request that issued the challenge/jschallenge
rayNameThe RayId of the request
refThe ref-field is a user-defined rule identifier that can be set via the API for some firewall products and allows users to label their rules individually alongside cloudflare provided identifiers (only available to entitled customers)
ruleIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RuleId triggered by this request
rulesetIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RulesetId triggered by this request
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentvisitor's user-agent string
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafMlAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafMlSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an SQLi attack
wafMlXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an XSS attack
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


Aggregated Firewall events with adaptive sampling grouped by time

avgThe average value used for sample interval
countThe sum of sample interval values
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by




apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
descriptionThe description of the rule triggered by this request
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafMlAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF ML detection module
wafMlSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an SQLi attack
wafMlXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an XSS attack
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


Aggregated Firewall events with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
countThe sum of sample interval values
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by




actionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientAsnThe ASN number of the visitor
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientIPThe visitor's IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
clientIPClassThe classification of the visitor's IP address, possible values are: unknown | clean | badHost | searchEngine | allowlist | greylist | monitoringService | securityScanner | noRecord | scan | backupService | mobilePlatform | tor
clientRefererHostThe referer host
clientRefererPathThe referer path requested by visitor
clientRefererQueryThe referer query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRefererSchemeThe referer url scheme requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPHostThe HTTP hostname requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameThe HTTP method used by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPProtocolThe version of HTTP protocol requested by the visitor
clientRequestPathThe path requested by visitor
clientRequestQueryThe query-string was requested by the visitor
clientRequestSchemeThe url scheme requested by the visitor
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
descriptionThe description of the rule triggered by this request
edgeColoNameThe airport code of the Cloudflare datacenter that served this request
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to browser
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
kindThe kind of event, currently only possible values are: firewall
matchIndexRules match index in the chain
originResponseStatusHTTP origin response status code returned to browser
originatorRayNameThe RayId of the request that issued the challenge/jschallenge
rayNameThe RayId of the request
refThe ref-field is a user-defined rule identifier that can be set via the API for some firewall products and allows users to label their rules individually alongside cloudflare provided identifiers (only available to entitled customers)
ruleIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RuleId triggered by this request
rulesetIdThe Cloudflare security product-specific RulesetId triggered by this request
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentvisitor's user-agent string
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafMlAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF ML detection module
wafMlSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an SQLi attack
wafMlXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF ML score for an XSS attack
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


keyThe key of the metadata. Key format can vary by Cloudflare security product and can change over time.
valueThe value of the metadata. Value format can vary by Cloudflare security product and can change over time.


Raw Health Check events with adaptive sampling

dateThe date the event was written to the database
datetimeThe date and time the event was written to the database
eventIdThe event id that created this healthcheck event
expectedResponseCodesThe expected response codes for the health check
failureReasonReason why the health check failed
fqdnFully qualified domain name of the origin (if available)
healthChanged1 if the origin health status has changed since the last health check, 0 otherwise
healthCheckIdA unique identifier for the health check
healthCheckNameHuman-identifiable health check name
healthStatusOrigin health status
originIPIP address of the origin
originResponseStatusHTTP status code returned by the origin
regionRegion where the health check occurred
rttMsRTT (milliseconds) to reach the origin
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
scopeGeographic aggregation level of the health status
tcpConnMsTime taken for the tcp connection to be established
timeToFirstByteMsTime taken for the first byte to be received once connection is available
tlsHandshakeMsTime taken for the tls handshake to be completed


Aggregated Health Check events with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value for a metric
countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


rttMsAverage RTT (milliseconds)
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval
tcpConnMsAverage TCP Connection time (milliseconds)
timeToFirstByteMsAverage Time To First Byte (milliseconds)
tlsHandshakeMsAverage TLS Handshake time (milliseconds)


dateThe date the event was written to the database
datetimeDatetime the event was written to the database
datetimeFifteenMinutesDatetime the event was written to the database truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDatetime the event was written to the database truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourDatetime the event was written to the database truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteDatetime the event was written to the database truncated to the minute
failureReasonReason why the health check failed
fqdnFully qualified domain name of the origin (if available)
healthChanged1 if the origin health status has changed since the last health check, 0 otherwise
healthCheckIdA unique identifier for the health check
healthCheckNameHuman-identifiable health check name
healthStatusOrigin health status
originIPIP address of the origin
originResponseStatusHTTP status code returned by the origin
regionRegion where the health check occurred
rttMsRTT (milliseconds) to reach the origin
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
scopeGeographic aggregation level of the health status
tcpConnMsTime taken for the tcp connection to be established
timeToFirstByteMsTime taken for the first byte to be received once connection is available
tlsHandshakeMsTime taken for the tls handshake to be completed




Daily rollups of request data by colo

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


coloCodeCode of edge server
dateRequest date


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache


threatPathingNameThreat type


Daily rollups of request data

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension
uniqThe number of unique values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
uaBrowserFamilyBrowser type


clientHTTPProtocolHTTP version


clientSSLProtocolProtocol version


bytesBytes returned to client
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


dateRequest date


ipTypeIP class


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
encryptedBytesBytes returned to client using SSL/TLS protocol
encryptedRequestsRequests served using SSL/TLS protocol
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
threatsRequests classified as threats


threatPathingNameThreat type


uniquesA number of unique IPs


Hourly rollups of request data

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension
uniqThe number of unique values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
uaBrowserFamilyBrowser type


clientHTTPProtocolHTTP version


clientSSLProtocolProtocol version


bytesBytes returned to client
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


dateRequest date
datetimeRequest datetime truncated to the hour


ipTypeIP class


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
encryptedBytesBytes returned to client using SSL/TLS protocol
encryptedRequestsRequests served using SSL/TLS protocol
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
threatsRequests classified as threats


threatPathingNameThreat type


uniquesA number of unique IPs


Minutely rollups of request data by colo

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


coloCodeCode of edge server
dateRequest date
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime truncated to the hour


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache


threatPathingNameThreat type


Minutely rollups of request data

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension
uniqThe number of unique values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
uaBrowserFamilyBrowser type


clientHTTPProtocolHTTP version


clientSSLProtocolProtocol version


bytesBytes returned to client
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
threatsRequests classified as threats


dateRequest date
datetimeRequest datetime, truncated to the minute
datetimeDayRequest datetime truncated to the day
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime truncated to the minute


ipTypeIP class


edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client


bytesBytes returned to client
cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
encryptedBytesBytes returned to client using SSL/TLS protocol
encryptedRequestsRequests served using SSL/TLS protocol
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
threatsRequests classified as threats


threatPathingNameThreat type


uniquesA number of unique IPs


Raw HTTP requests with adaptive sampling

apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botManagementDecisionJudgement of the bot management system
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreBucketBy10Range of the bot management score
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
cacheReserveUsedUsed Cache Reserve to serve the response
cacheStatusCache status
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientAsnThe ASN number of the visitor
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientIPThe visitor's IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
clientRefererHostThe referrer host
clientRequestHTTPHostThe HTTP hostname requested by the visitor
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameHTTP method of client request
clientRequestHTTPProtocolThe version of HTTP protocol requested by the visitor
clientRequestPathThe path requested by visitor
clientRequestQueryQuery parameters of client request
clientRequestRefererHTTP request referrer
clientRequestSchemeThe url scheme requested by the visitor
clientSSLProtocolSSL protocol version
contentScanHasFailed1 if not all contents for this request where successfully scanned, else 0
contentScanNumMaliciousObjNumber of scannable content objects that are malicious
contentScanNumObjNumber of scannable content objects
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsThe time elapsed resolving a CNAME if it was required to reach your origin
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to browser
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsThe time elapsed between processing the first byte of the request until when we started sending a response
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
isCrossZoneSubrequest'1' if a request was inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone; '0' otherwise.
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
originASNDescriptionASN associated with origin
originResponseStatusHTTP origin response status code returned to browser
securityActionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
securitySourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentvisitor's user-agent string
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
xRequestedWithThe X-Requested-With header of the client request
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


Aggregated HTTP requests data with adaptive sampling

avgThe average value used for sample interval
confidenceALPHA - DO NOT USE
countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
quantilesQuantiles of a metric per dimension
ratioThe ratio of a range of status codes, between 0 and 1
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


crossZoneSubrequestsThe proportion of requests that were inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone
originResponseDurationMsThe average originResponseDuration, in milliseconds, excluding 0 values (i.e. cached ones)


countThe number of values for a metric per dimension, with confidence intervals
levelConfidence level that was requested
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension, with confidence intervals


apiGatewayMatchedEndpointAPI Gateway endpoint matched at the edge
apiGatewayMatchedHostAPI Gateway host matched at the edge
botManagementDecisionJudgement of the bot management system
botScoreThe final score originated from bot management detections.
botScoreBucketBy10Range of the bot management score
botScoreSrcNameName of the source detection which generated the bot management score.
cacheReserveUsedUsed Cache Reserve to serve the response
clientASNDescriptionThe ASN of the visitor as string
clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientRefererHostThe referrer host
clientRequestHTTPHostHost requested by the client
clientRequestHTTPMethodNameHTTP method of client request
clientRequestHTTPProtocolHTTP protocol version
clientRequestPathPath of client request
clientRequestQueryQuery parameters of client request
clientRequestRefererHTTP request referrer
clientRequestSchemeHTTP request URI scheme (http/https)
clientSSLProtocolSSL protocol version
contentScanHasFailed1 if not all contents for this request where successfully scanned, else 0
contentScanNumMaliciousObjNumber of scannable content objects that are malicious
contentScanNumObjNumber of scannable content objects
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsThe time elapsed resolving a CNAME if it was required to reach your origin
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsThe time elapsed between processing the first byte of the request until when we started sending a response
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
isCrossZoneSubrequest'1' if a request was inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone; '0' otherwise.
ja3HashMD5 hash of the JA3 TLS fingerprint
originASNDescriptionASN associated with origin
originResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned by the origin
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
securityActionThe code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request
securitySourceThe Cloudflare security product triggered by this request
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
userAgentOSOS parsed from the user agent
wafAttackScoreBeta. Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module
wafAttackScoreClassBeta. Overall request score class generated by the WAF detection module
wafRceAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a RCE attack
wafSqliAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a SQLi attack
wafXssAttackScoreBeta. WAF score for a XSS attack
xRequestedWithThe X-Requested-With header of the client request
zoneVersionThe version of a zone


edgeDnsResponseTimeMsP5050th percentile DNS Response Time (milliseconds)
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsP9595th percentile DNS Response Time (milliseconds)
edgeDnsResponseTimeMsP9999th percentile DNS Response Time (milliseconds)
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP5050th percentile Time To First Byte (milliseconds)
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP9595th percentile Time To First Byte (milliseconds)
edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP9999th percentile Time To First Byte (milliseconds)
originResponseDurationMsP5050th percentile Origin Response Duration (milliseconds)
originResponseDurationMsP9595th percentile Origin Response Duration (milliseconds)
originResponseDurationMsP9999th percentile Origin Response Duration (milliseconds)




crossZoneSubrequestsThe number of requests that were inititiated by a Cloudflare Worker on another zone
visitsThe number of requests by end-users that were initiated from a different website (i.e. where the request HTTP Referer header does not match the host in the HTTP Host header)


edgeResponseBytesConfidence interval for the corresponding point estimate


A high-level summary of HTTP requests made by end users.

avgThe average value for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
ratioThe ratio of a metric in comparison to the rest of the traffic, between 0 and 1
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


originResponseDurationMsThe average originResponseDuration, in milliseconds, excluding 0 values (i.e. cached ones)
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


clientCountryNameCountry from which request originated
clientRequestHTTPProtocolHTTP protocol version
clientSSLProtocolSSL protocol version
dateThe date the event occurred at the edge
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to hours
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event occurred at the edge truncated to the minute
edgeResponseContentTypeNameContent type returned to client
edgeResponseStatusHTTP response status code returned to client
httpApplicationVersionVersion associated with HTTP Application
userAgentBrowserBrowser parsed from the user agent
zoneVersionThe version of a zone




cachedBytesBytes returned to client from cache
cachedRequestsRequests served from cache
pageViewsSuccessful requests for HTML content
visitsThe number of requests by end-users that were initiated from a different website (i.e. where the request HTTP Referer header does not match the host in the HTTP Host header)


Minutely rollups of Image Resizing requests

countCounts a number of rows per specific dimensions
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumCalculates a sum of each field per speicific dimensions


resizeErrorError description when a resized image was requested but could not be served


originalBytesThe size of the image before resizing
originalPixelsThe area of the image before resizing
requestsCount of image resizing requests
resizedBytesThe size of the image after resizing
resizedPixelsThe area of the image after resizing


Raw Load Balancing origin requests with adaptive sampling

coloCodeIATA airport code of data center that received the request
datetimeRequest datetime
errorTypeError generated when selecting an origin
lbNameLoad balancer name
numberOriginsSelectedNumber of origins that were selected and returned to the client
originsAll origins in the pool that was selected based on steering policy
poolsList of pools from which a pool will be selected based on steering policy
proxiedWhether traffic is proxied through the Cloudflare network (orange-clouded)
regionLoad balancing region where request originated
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
selectedOriginIndexIndex of the selected origin from the list of all origins. If multiple origins were selected, this is the index of the first origin in that list
selectedPoolAvgRttMsAverage RTT (milliseconds) to reach the origins within the selected pool
selectedPoolHealthChecksEnabledHealth checks active status for the selected pool
selectedPoolHealthyHealth status for the selected pool
selectedPoolIdA unique identifier for the selected pool
selectedPoolIndexIndex of the selected pool from the list of all pools
selectedPoolNameName for the selected pool
sessionAffinityType of session affinity enabled
sessionAffinityStatusCurrent status of session affinity
steeringPolicyPolicy by which the load balancer will route traffic


Aggregated Load Balancing origin requests with adaptive sampling

countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


coloCodeIATA airport code of data center that received the request
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime truncated to multiple of 1 minute
errorTypeError generated when selecting an origin
lbNameLoad balancer name
multipleOriginsSelectedIndicates whether multiple origins were returned to the client
numberOriginsSelectedNumber of origins that were selected and returned to the client
proxiedWhether traffic is proxied through the Cloudflare network (orange-clouded)
regionLoad balancing region where request originated
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
selectedOriginIndexIndex of the selected origin from the list of all origins. If multiple origins were selected, this is the index of the first origin in that list
selectedOriginNameName of the selected origin
selectedOriginNamesNames of each selected origin
selectedPoolAvgRttMsDynamic Latency: RTT (milliseconds) to reach the origin pool
selectedPoolHealthChecksEnabledHealth checks status for the selected pool
selectedPoolHealthyHealth status for the selected pool
selectedPoolIdA unique identifier for the selected pool
selectedPoolIndexIndex of the selected pool from the list of all pools
selectedPoolNameName for the selected pool
sessionAffinityEnabledType of session affinity enabled
sessionAffinityStatusCurrent status of session affinity
steeringPolicyPolicy by which the load balancer will route traffic


fqdnFully qualified domain name of the origin (if available)
healthOrigin health status
ipv4IPv4 Address of the origin
ipv6IPv6 address of the origin
originNameOrigin name
selectedAll the origins that were returned to the client
weightRatio of traffic that will be distributed to this origin among all origins in the pool


avgRttMsDynamic Latency: RTT (milliseconds) to reach the origin pool
distanceDistance to Pool KM
healthCheckEnabledHealth checks status
healthyPool health status
idA unique identifier for the pool
poolNamePool name


Beta. Logpush job health metrics

countThe number of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


dateDate that we completed pushing the log batch
datetimeDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch
datetimeFifteenMinutesDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteDatetime that we completed pushing the log batch, truncated to the minute
destinationTypeDestination type, e.g. 'S3' or 'GCS'
finalCloudflare may attempt to push a batch of logs multiple times if we encounter a failure. This field will be set to 'true' if this was the last push attempt for this batch of logs. If this field is set to false, it means the push failed but another retry was attempted. If this field is set to true and status >= 300, then the batch of logs failed to push and log data was lost. If you want to count the total number of logs that succeeded or failed, you should always set final = true.
jobIdThe Logpush Job ID
statusHTTP response status code of the log destination


bytesBytes of uncompressed log data pushed
bytesCompressedBytes of compressed log data pushed
recordsA count of the total number of records pushed.


Data to visualize network error logs

countThe number of NEL Reports
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


clientIPASNClient ASN
clientIPASNDescriptionClient ASN Description
clientIPCountryClient Country
clientIPCountryCode2 letter client country code using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 syntax
clientIPVersionIP Version the client used to connect
dateRequest date from browser
datetimeRequest datetime from browser
datetimeFifteenMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime from browser, truncated to the minute
lastKnownGoodColoCodeIATA airport code of colo the client connected to
phaseThe phase of connection the error occurred in
protocolHTTP Protocol used when the error occured
typeThe type of error in the phase


Page Shield CSP reports

countNumber of Page Shield CSP reports
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


sampleIntervalAverage sample interval


actionpolicy action, log | allow
cspDirectivecsp directive e.g 'script-src'
datetimeThe date and time the event occurred at the edge
datetimeFifteenMinutesReport datetime from edge, truncated to multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesReport datetime from edge, truncated to multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHalfOfHourReport datetime from edge, truncated to multiple of 30 minutes
datetimeHourReport datetime from edge, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteReport datetime from edge, truncated to the minute
hosthostname of the zone
pageURLpage on which the resource was found
policyIDThe ID of the Policy
resourceTyperesource type e.g script
urlURL of the CSP reported resource
urlHosthostname of the resource URL


Access and limitations for a zone



Raw Waiting Room analytics logs

datetimeThe date and time of the state of analytics for the waiting room
maxEstimatedTimeMinutesMaximum value of estimated time in minutes
newUsersPerMinuteActual value of new users per minute
newUsersPerMinuteConfigConfigured value of new users per minute
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
sessionDurationConfigured value of session duration
timeBetweenRefreshesP5050th percentile of the time between session refreshes in seconds
timeBetweenRefreshesP7575th percentile of the time between session refreshes in seconds
timeBetweenRefreshesP9090th percentile of the time between session refreshes in seconds
timeBetweenRefreshesP9595th percentile of the time between session refreshes in seconds
timeInQueueP5050th percentile of the time spent waiting in queue in seconds
timeInQueueP7575th percentile of the time spent waiting in queue in seconds
timeInQueueP9090th percentile of the time spent waiting in queue in seconds
timeInQueueP9595th percentile of the time spent waiting in queue in seconds
timeOnOriginP5050th percentile of the time spent on the origin in seconds
timeOnOriginP7575th percentile of the time spent on the origin in seconds
timeOnOriginP9090th percentile of the time spent on the origin in seconds
timeOnOriginP9595th percentile of the time spent on the origin in seconds
totalActiveUsersActual value of total active users
totalActiveUsersConfigConfigured value of total active users
totalQueuedUsersTotal number of users that are queued
totalTimeWaitedP5050th percentile of the total time (in seconds) spent waiting in queue by users who were queued and then gained access to the origin
totalTimeWaitedP7575th percentile of the total time (in seconds) spent waiting in queue by users who were queued and then gained access to the origin
totalTimeWaitedP9090th percentile of the total time (in seconds) spent waiting in queue by users who were queued and then gained access to the origin
totalTimeWaitedP9595th percentile of the total time (in seconds) spent waiting in queue by users who were queued and then gained access to the origin
waitingRoomIdUnique Identifier for the waiting room
waitingRoomNameName of the waiting room


Aggregated Waiting Room analytics logs with adaptive sampling

avgBeta. The avg of values for a metric per dimension
avgWeightedBeta. The avgWeighted values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
maxBeta. The max value for a metric per dimenstion
minBeta. The minimum value for a metric per dimenstion
sumThe sum for a metric per dimension. Use for shorter queries since data gets sampled after 7 days.


maxEstimatedTimeMinutesAverage of the maximum estimated wait time per minute. A negative number means no data
newUsersPerMinuteAverage rate of new users per minute. A negative number means no data
newUsersPerMinuteConfigConfigured value of new users per minute. A negative number means no data
sampleIntervalAverage sample interval
sessionDurationConfigured value of session duration. A negative number means no data
totalActiveUsersAverage rate of total active users. A negative number means no data
totalActiveUsersConfigConfigured value of total active users. A negative number means no data
totalQueuedUsersAverage of total queued users


timeBetweenRefreshesP50Weighted average of 50th percentile of time spent between session refreshes in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeBetweenRefreshesP75Weighted average of 75th percentile of time spent between session refreshes in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeBetweenRefreshesP90Weighted average of 90th percentile of time spent between session refreshes in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeBetweenRefreshesP95Weighted average of 95th percentile of time spent between session refreshes in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeInQueueP50Weighted average of 50th percentile of time spent in queue in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeInQueueP75Weighted average of 75th percentile of time spent in queue in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeInQueueP90Weighted average of 90th percentile of time spent in queue in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeInQueueP95Weighted average of 95th percentile of time spent in queue in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeOnOriginP50Weighted average of 50th percentile of time spent on origin in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeOnOriginP75Weighted average of 75th percentile of time spent on origin in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeOnOriginP90Weighted average of 90th percentile of time spent on origin in seconds. A negative number means no data
timeOnOriginP95Weighted average of 95th percentile of time spent on origin in seconds. A negative number means no data
totalTimeWaitedP50Weighted average of 50th percentile of the total time spent waiting in queue by users who have gained access to the origin in seconds. A negative number means no data
totalTimeWaitedP75Weighted average of 75th percentile of the total time spent waiting in queue by users who have gained access to the origin in seconds. A negative number means no data
totalTimeWaitedP90Weighted average of 90th percentile of the total time spent waiting in queue by users who have gained access to the origin in seconds. A negative number means no data
totalTimeWaitedP95Weighted average of 95th percentile of the total time spent waiting in queue by users who have gained access to the origin in seconds. A negative number means no data


dateThe date the event was written to the database
datetimeThe date and time the event was written to the database
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time the event was written to the database, truncated to a multiple of 15 minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time the event was written to the database, truncated to a multiple of 5 minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time the event was written to the database, truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time the event was written to the database, truncated to the minute
sampleIntervalABR sample interval
waitingRoomIdUnique Identifier for the waiting room


maxEstimatedTimeMinutesThe maximum value of estimated time in minutes. A negative number means no data
newUsersPerMinuteThe maximum value of the actual new users per minute. A negative number means no data
newUsersPerMinuteConfigThe maximum value of the configured new users per minute. A negative number means no data
sessionDurationThe maximum value of the configured session duration configuration. A negative number means no data
totalActiveUsersThe maximum value of the actual total active users. A negative number means no data
totalActiveUsersConfigThe maximum value of the configured total active users. A negative number means no data
totalQueuedUsersThe maximum value of total number of queued users. A negative number means no data


maxEstimatedTimeMinutesThe minimum value of estimated time in minutes. A negative number means no data
newUsersPerMinuteThe minimum value of the actual new users per minute. A negative number means no data
newUsersPerMinuteConfigThe minimum value of the configured new users per minute. A negative number means either Waiting Room is in passthrough or no data
sessionDurationThe minimum value of the configured session duration configuration. A negative number means no data
totalActiveUsersThe minimum value of the actual total active users. A negative number means no data
totalActiveUsersConfigThe minimum value of the configured total active users. A negative number means either Waiting Room is in passthrough or no data
totalQueuedUsersThe minimum value of total number of queued users. A negative number means no data


newUsersPerMinuteSum of new users per minute. A negative number means no data


Workers invocations with adaptive sampling

avgThe average of values for a metric per dimension
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


avgCpuTimeAverage CPU time used per request (in microseconds)


constantScriptIdWorker script Id
dateRequest datetime, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeHourRequest datetime, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime, truncated to start of an minute
httpResponseStatusOrigin HTTP response code
statusStatus of the worker invocation


requestsSum of Requests
responseBodySizeBandwidth (in bytes) returned to eyeball
subrequestsNumber of sub-requests issued by the edge worker
totalCpuTimeTotal CPU time used (in microseconds)


Workers subrequests with adaptive sampling

dimensionsList of dimensions to group by
sumThe sum of values for a metric per dimension


cacheStatusCache status
dateRequest datetime, truncated to start of a day
datetimeRequest datetime
datetimeHourRequest datetime, truncated to start of an hour
datetimeMinuteRequest datetime, truncated to start of an minute
httpResponseStatusOrigin HTTP response code


responseBodySizeBandwidth (in bytes) received via subrequests
subrequestsNumber of subrequests issued by a worker


Zaraz Actions Analytics

countNumber of processed Zaraz Actions
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


actionNameAction Name
dateThe date the Action was triggered
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
toolNameTool Name


Zaraz Track Analytics - counts zaraz.track calls

countNumber of processed Zaraz Track requests
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dateDate when track was called
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
trackNameTrack Name
urlPathThe URL from where Track was called


Zaraz Triggers Analytics (a trigger is a set of rules that can trigger a zaraz action)

countNumber of processed Zaraz Triggers
dimensionsList of dimensions to group by


dateThe date when trigger was triggerd
datetimeFifteenMinutesThe date and time truncated to fifteen minutes
datetimeFiveMinutesThe date and time truncated to five minutes
datetimeHourThe date and time truncated to the hour
datetimeMinuteThe date and time truncated to the minute
triggerNameTrigger Name


MagicWANConnectorMetricsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Magic WAN Connector Metrics
accessLoginRequestsAdaptiveGroupsAccess login requests
advancedDnsProtectionNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for Advanced DNS Protection
advancedTcpProtectionNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for Advanced TCP Protection
aiGatewayCacheAdaptiveGroupsAI Gateway Cache
aiGatewayErrorsAdaptiveGroupsAI Gateway Errors
aiGatewayRequestsAdaptiveGroupsAI Gateway Requests
aiInferenceAdaptiveGroupsAggregated AI Inference logs with adaptive sampling
cdnNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for Cloudflare CDN traffic
d1AnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated D1 analytics with adaptive sampling
dosdAttackAnalyticsGroupsAttack analytics metadata for attacks detected by dosd
dosdNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for dosd
durableObjectsInvocationsAdaptiveGroupsDurable Objects invocations with adaptive sampling
durableObjectsPeriodicGroupsDurable Objects periodic metrics
durableObjectsStorageGroupsDurable Objects storage metrics
durableObjectsSubrequestsAdaptiveGroupsDurable Objects subrequests with adaptive sampling
fbmAttackAnalyticsGroupsFBM analytics metadata for attacks detected by dosd
firewallEventsAdaptiveRaw Firewall events with adaptive sampling
firewallEventsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated Firewall events with adaptive sampling
flowtrackdNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for flowtrackd
gatewayL4DownstreamSessionsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated metrics about downstream (client to edge) L4 Gateway Sessions. Metrics are reported on TCP or UDP session close
gatewayL4SessionsAdaptiveGroupsBETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway L4 sessions with adaptive sampling
gatewayL4UpstreamSessionsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated metrics about upstream (edge to client) L4 Gateway Sessions. Metrics are reported on TCP, QUIC or UDP session close
gatewayL7RequestsAdaptiveGroupsBETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway L7 requests with adaptive sampling
gatewayResolverByCategoryAdaptiveGroupsBETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway Resolver queries by category with adaptive sampling
gatewayResolverByRuleExecutionPerformanceAdaptiveGroupsTotal time spent on executing firewall rules at the edge
gatewayResolverQueriesAdaptiveGroupsBETA - Aggregate counts of Gateway Resolver queries with adaptive sampling
httpRequests1dGroupsDaily rollups of request data
httpRequests1hGroupsHourly rollups of request data
httpRequests1mGroupsMinutely rollups of request data
httpRequestsAdaptiveRaw HTTP requests with adaptive sampling
httpRequestsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated HTTP requests data with adaptive sampling
httpRequestsOverviewAdaptiveGroupsA high-level summary of HTTP requests made by end users.
imagesRequestsAdaptiveGroupsA high-level summary of Cloudflare Images served to end users.
logpushHealthAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Logpush job health metrics
magicFirewallNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for Magic Firewall
magicFirewallSamplesAdaptiveGroupsData to visualize traffic allowed and blocked by Magic Firewall rules
magicIDPSNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for Magic IDS
magicTransitNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for Magic Transit traffic
magicTransitTunnelHealthChecksAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Magic Transit Health check results for customer GRE Tunnels with adaptive sampling (ABR).
magicTransitTunnelTrafficAdaptiveGroupsBandwidth usage metric of a Magic Transit tunnel.
mnmFlowDataAdaptiveGroupsFlow data collected through Magic Network Monitoring
nelReportsAdaptiveGroupsData to visualize network error logs
pagesFunctionsInvocationsAdaptiveGroupsPages Functions invocations with adaptive sampling
queueBacklogAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Queue backlog data with adaptive sampling. Queues that are not being written to, or read from, will not return data, even if they have a backlog.
queueConsumerMetricsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Queue consumer metrics with adaptive sampling. Inactive queues will not return data.
queueMessageOperationsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Queue message operation data with adaptive sampling
r2OperationsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. R2 operations with adaptive sampling
r2StorageAdaptiveGroupsBeta. R2 storage with adaptive sampling
rumPageloadEventsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated RUM pageload event metrics with adaptive sampling
rumPerformanceEventsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated RUM performance event metrics with adaptive sampling
rumWebVitalsEventsAdaptiveBeta. RUM Web Vitals event metrics with adaptive sampling
rumWebVitalsEventsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated RUM Web Vitals event metrics with adaptive sampling
sinkholeRequestLogsAdaptiveSinkhole Request Logs
sinkholeRequestLogsAdaptiveGroupsSinkhole Request Logs
spectrumNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsNetwork analytics data for Spectrum traffic
storageTracesStorage Tracing Information
streamMinutesViewedAdaptiveGroupsA high-level summary of Cloudflare Stream minutes viewed.
turnstileAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Cloudflare Turnstile aggregated events with adaptive sampling
videoBufferEventsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated video streaming buffer event metrics with adaptive sampling
videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated video streaming playback event metrics with adaptive sampling
videoQualityEventsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated video streaming quality change event metrics with adaptive sampling
warpDeviceAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Warp device health events with adaptive sampling
workerPlacementAdaptiveGroupsWorker placement metrics
workersAnalyticsEngineAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Custom Events with adaptive sampling
workersInvocationsAdaptiveBeta. Workers invocations with adaptive sampling
workersInvocationsScheduledWorkers scheduled invocations
workersSubrequestsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Workers subrequests with adaptive sampling
zarazTriggersAdaptiveGroupsZaraz Triggers Analytics (a trigger is a set of rules that can trigger a zaraz action)
zeroTrustPrivateNetworkDiscoveryGroupsBeta - Unique origins, applications, and users discovered for Zero Trust private networks


Scalar type bool



Scalar type []uint8



Scalar type float32



Scalar type float64



Scalar type int16



Scalar type int64



Scalar type int8



Scalar type string



Scalar type uint16



Scalar type uint32



Scalar type uint64



Scalar type uint8





apiGatewayGraphqlQueryAnalyticsGroupsGraphQL query attributes and trends
apiGatewayMatchedSessionIDsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated count of Session Identifier matches
apiRequestSequencesGroupsSequences of API endpoint operations. Sequences are grouped by AuthID and currently ranked by correlation score. Correlation scores are estimated over a 24 hour window and are current to within 10 minutes
cacheReserveOperationsAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Cache Reserve operations with adaptive sampling
cacheReserveRequestsAdaptiveGroupsCache Reserve HTTP requests data with adaptive sampling
cacheReserveStorageAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Cache Reserve storage with adaptive sampling
dmarcReportsAdaptiveDmarc report records with adaptive sampling
dmarcReportsSourcesAdaptiveGroupsAggregated dmarc reports by sources logs with adaptive sampling
dnsAnalyticsAdaptiveAnalytics data for DNS queries (currently, only Foundation DNS zones are supported)
dnsAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsAnalytics data for DNS queries (currently, only Foundation DNS zones are supported)
emailRoutingAdaptiveBeta. Raw email routing logs with adaptive sampling
emailRoutingAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Aggregated email routing logs with adaptive sampling
firewallEventsAdaptiveRaw Firewall events with adaptive sampling
firewallEventsAdaptiveByTimeGroupsAggregated Firewall events with adaptive sampling grouped by time
firewallEventsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated Firewall events with adaptive sampling
healthCheckEventsAdaptiveRaw Health Check events with adaptive sampling
healthCheckEventsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated Health Check events with adaptive sampling
httpRequests1dByColoGroupsDaily rollups of request data by colo
httpRequests1dGroupsDaily rollups of request data
httpRequests1hGroupsHourly rollups of request data
httpRequests1mByColoGroupsMinutely rollups of request data by colo
httpRequests1mGroupsMinutely rollups of request data
httpRequestsAdaptiveRaw HTTP requests with adaptive sampling
httpRequestsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated HTTP requests data with adaptive sampling
httpRequestsOverviewAdaptiveGroupsA high-level summary of HTTP requests made by end users.
imageResizingRequests1mGroupsMinutely rollups of Image Resizing requests
loadBalancingRequestsAdaptiveRaw Load Balancing origin requests with adaptive sampling
loadBalancingRequestsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated Load Balancing origin requests with adaptive sampling
logpushHealthAdaptiveGroupsBeta. Logpush job health metrics
nelReportsAdaptiveGroupsData to visualize network error logs
pageShieldReportsAdaptiveGroupsPage Shield CSP reports
waitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptiveRaw Waiting Room analytics logs
waitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptiveGroupsAggregated Waiting Room analytics logs with adaptive sampling
workersZoneInvocationsAdaptiveGroupsWorkers invocations with adaptive sampling
workersZoneSubrequestsAdaptiveGroupsWorkers subrequests with adaptive sampling
zarazActionsAdaptiveGroupsZaraz Actions Analytics
zarazTrackAdaptiveGroupsZaraz Track Analytics - counts zaraz.track calls
zarazTriggersAdaptiveGroupsZaraz Triggers Analytics (a trigger is a set of rules that can trigger a zaraz action)